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If you've been looking for natural ways to improve your dog's mobility, there's a high chance you've come across green-lipped mussel, also known as Perna mussel, at least once. In this blog, you can dive deeper into the health benefits of green-lipped mussels for dogs and how it can help...

Does your dog have green eye discharge? Contrary to what you may find in most articles online, green eye discharge is not always a sign of eye infection. Explore our latest article to uncover the most common causes of green eye discharge in dogs and learn how to address this health...

This blog is an absolute must read for every responsible dog parent. Dogs often eat things they shouldn't and in case it happens, the info in this article may prevent unnecessary surgery or tragedy. Learn what to do when your dog eats a foreign object, when to wait or when...

Can you share an apple with your canine companion? Packed with powerful antioxidants, fibre, and vitamin C, apples can help boost your dog’s immune system and support optimal cardiovascular and digestive health. Discover how to safely feed apples to your dog, what apple treats you should avoid and which healthy...

Are avocados toxic to dogs? Despite the popular avocado toxicity myth being passed around within dog communities, the right part of an avocado can support your dog’s overall health and help prevent cardiovascular disease. Packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and fibres, avocado flesh is a safe and delicious...

As Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease (CIRD) continues to impact dogs across the US and Canada, veterinarians and researchers are working tirelessly to find out what has caused this unusual outbreak and how to tackle it. But what is this mystery dog illness? Dive into our blog to get a better understanding...

Are you feeding kibble to your dog? In a world where evolution often drives us towards short-term pleasure, this article aims to help your dog enjoy a healthier and longer life, starting with an optimal diet. Learn more about the connection between dog kibble and widespread health issues like obesity and diabetes and...

Inspired by the resilience of Icarus and the power of truth and love, we're reminded that challenges may try to steal our wings, but our determination can help us fly higher. Join us in celebrating the strength of the human spirit and the pursuit of a better world!

I've often been asked what I do exactly to keep my dog Pax healthy and fit. Today, I'm sharing with you Pax's detailed wellness routine, including his diet, health supplements, exercise routine, flea and tick prevention, walking essentials, and more. Don't forget to check out the free resources included in...

This article addresses the concerning trend of obesity in dogs and provides practical advice on easy steps you can take to help your beloved dog shed extra pounds and stay healthy.

Most dog lovers fear losing their dog more than losing their own life. Strangely, these sad times bring a blend of deep love and sadness. Letting go of my best friend was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. After 16 years, it was Skai’s time to fly without me.

Are probiotics nothing more than digestive health support? Get to know the underrated guardians of your gut microbiome and discover how probiotic bacteria communicate with the most vital organs in your body and impact your digestion, immune response, cognitive performance, and mood. Explore our comprehensive guide to find all the...

Learn more about the alarming prevalence of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) affecting 1 in 4 Americans. Discover its main risk factors, diagnosis methods, and treatment options to better manage or prevent this silent yet severe condition. 

This blog is a must to read for everyone who has a dog. It is first aid for diarrhea and bloody stool in dogs. Learn how to recognize whether your dog's condition is serious, why you should stay away from conventional remedies and 8 steps you can take to stop your dog's diarrhea. 

Wondering if bananas are a good treat to share with your pup? Most dogs love bananas, and these delicious fruits are rich in essential minerals and fibre, which can help boost your best friend’s health. However, bananas are rich in natural sugars, so you should feed them in moderation to...

  Discover if dogs can eat strawberries and how to add this nutritious fruit snack to your best friend’s diet. This short guide includes the health benefits of strawberries, vet-approved recommendations on how to feed them to your dog and a couple of homemade strawberry treat ideas for you to...

The recent devastating fires in Maui have left a mark we can't ignore. The historic city of Lahaina, known for its breathtaking beauty, is now a scene of ashes and heartbreak. While the immediate toll on human life is tragic and overwhelming, there are also countless pets that have been...

Have you ever considered the impact of your dog's leash on their well-being? This article explores the unexpected dangers of retractable leashes, a popular but controversial tool among dog owners. From physical injuries and emotional stress to the increased potential for accidents, we delve into why these extendable leashes might...

This article covers common reasons why dogs lick their groin, such as muscle injuries, spinal issues, urinary problems, and skin allergies. Making dietary adjustments, giving supplements, and identifying the root cause is essential for providing effective relief and ensuring your dog's well-being.

Help stop discrimination against dogs and their people in public spaces. Society must reassess regulations and acknowledge our dogs as valued family members. Find out what you can do to make a difference.

Skin Spray is more than just a wound care solution; it's a harmonious blend of nature's most powerful healing herbs. This unique formula supports rapid healing, decreases wound swelling, and helps alleviate pain and discomfort. Safe for both humans and pets, Skin Spray is a testament to the power of...

Have you ever heard of homocysteine? Many people are unaware that this amino acid is a marker of an increased risk of heart attack, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive decline in people and dogs. In this article, you will learn about homocysteine, what it means to have elevated levels, and how...

Explore a potentially misunderstood aspect of canine nutrition and uncover if tomatoes are safe for dogs to eat. 

Discover why dogs eat dirt and learn about the six-step holistic program that helps to understand and curb this behaviour. This guide reveals how to recognize normal behaviour from potential health concerns and ensure your dog's optimal well-being

The Science of DHA and the Brain: Omega-3 fatty acids, primarily DHA, are the unsung heroes of brain health. They play crucial roles in brain physiology and biological activities, with exciting links between Omega-3 levels and cognitive function. Higher DHA levels have been shown to preserve the integrity of the...

Join us on a unique adventure to Portugal, where we spent two unforgettable days with Bobi, the world's oldest dog. We dive into the heartwarming celebration of Bobi's 31st birthday, discover the surprisingly simple secrets behind his longevity, and explore the deep bond between this remarkable canine and his loving...

Discover how to naturally and safely transform your stinky dog into a delightfully fresh-smelling companion. Learn the secret connection between diet, detoxing, nutrient deficiencies, and your dog's health, odour, and appearance.

Dive into the world of raw bone feeding for dogs with our comprehensive guide, designed to help you navigate the benefits, risks, and best practices of this natural approach to canine dental care and nutrition. Uncover the secrets of choosing the best bones for dogs, avoiding potential hazards, and promoting...

Dogs may be man's best friend, but their flatulence can often clear a room. Excessive gas production in dogs is usually caused by incomplete or inefficient digestion, an inappropriate diet, and heavily-processed kibble. In this article, we will explore why some dog breeds have weaker digestion, the importance of bacterial...

Is social fitness a more important lifestyle habit than diet or exercise? What does it mean to be 'socially fit' and how does it benefit your and your dog's health? Learn more about how you can boost well-being and longevity through meaningful social connections and build a vibrant, healthy life together...

In my article, I share the personal story of how I'm able to fly with my dog, Pax, thanks to overcoming challenges with sleepwalking and night terrors. This unique experience not only allowed me to travel with my service dog but also serves as a reminder that even difficult situations...

Successful communication is essential for building healthier and more fulfilling relationships and happier lives. In this article, I'll share with you 8 communication hacks to help you avoid unnecessary drama, prioritize active listening and address conflicts effectively.

Can dogs eat bananas, apples, strawberries and other fruit? What about grapes? Find out what fruits are safe, toxic, and healthy for dogs. Learn about the potential health benefits and risks of feeding fruit to your canine companion, and get tips on the ideal time to feed it.

As dog lovers, we all want our beloved pups to live long and healthy lives. Protecting your dog's heart from potential health issues is important, and in this blog Dr. Dobias shares some key points that you might not yet be aware of, read on to find out what you can...

Dogs have our hearts and that is why we need to protect their heart. Dog’s as they age often face muscle problems and spinal misalignment and you might be surprised to know how that can hurt their heart. Learn how to protect your dog’s spine and by extension their heart.

Dogs and humans have evolved side-by-side but they are still quite different when it comes to their digestive tracts and dietary habits. We have studied their original environments such as the soils of the African savanna and consulted with top experts in the field of probiotics and microbiology to come up...

Criticism can hurt a brand, but constructive feedback can help it grow. In this blog Dr. Dobias talks about the differences between these approaches, and how to handle the power of influence and opinion with care. 

Are you worried that your and your dog's diet is missing something? Maybe you're worried about toxin levels in food, the environment, or flea and tick products. Let's face it; we can't remove ourselves entirely from our toxin-filled world, but we can do things to reduce our exposure to harmful...

Many people cross boundaries without even realizing it, which may leave us thinking, "Ugh, why don't they just get it?" In this blog, I ponder the topic of setting healthy boundaries and explain how you can magically erase most problems from your life. Read on!

How do you navigate the seas of life? How do you deal with disappointment? Whatever life throws at us, we can always rely on our dogs to bring joy into our days. In this blog I share my thoughts on the support our dogs provide during the difficult moments in...

How to keep your dog's teeth healthy naturally, save money and reduce the need for anesthesia. Why raw bones are the key to your dog's healthy teeth.

Have you ever wondered how the length of your dog’s nails are related to his or her health? If you are like most people, this question might not have crossed your mind until now. Here are 5 steps to proper and safe nail trimming.

It appears that most of the world is ready for change, but whenever I think about the solutions to any of the problems that plague our world, I can’t prevent myself from thinking that we humans are acting like little toddlers who have broken a toy and do not know...

Do you have trouble staying positive during difficult times? These days we are surrounded by a lot of negative messaging, and it's easy to let that get you down. Here are some of my tips for remaining positive, and don't forget to share your tips with me!

Why being weird or different is better than being the same, especially when it comes to your dog's health. Here are some top examples of how the conventional thinking can harm your dog and prevent them from living a happy and long life. 

It appears that coronavirus will become a fact of life. A big part of returning to our normal lives will include living healthier and keeping our immune system stronger. Here are steps for good health and a strengthened immune system.

Most of us have been exposed to panic-inducing information about the virus spread, however, I have noticed the general absence of one piece of information, how to make your immune system stronger and body more resilient. (It will definitely not happen by stockpiling toilet paper!) I have always loved immunology...

The greatest life lesson we learn from our dogs. How our dogs teach us about empathy, connection, caring and compassion.