Our Giving Initiative
Every time you make a purchase, we make a donation on your behalf

We love to be involved in creating positive change in the world both at home and abroad.
There are many companies who sell products, some even offer free knowledge the way we do, but we like to think outside the box.
The world is changing and it is simply not enough to ‘do business as usual.’ We believe in giving back on your behalf to those who need help.
“Imagine if with every transaction, everytime you help your dog to be healthy and happy, something great happened...”
* last update March 2024
Hi My Dog Lovers ❤️🐾
First off, a HUGE shoutout to each and every one of you who backed our GoFundMe campaign for Hawaii's Animal Fire Relief Fund! We raised over $25,000 of which $20,000 went to the Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation (H.A.R.F)! ❤️
I also got a chance to sit down with Dawn Pfendler, the founder and the heart and soul behind H.A.R.F, to chat about the struggles and wins of their amazing work. You won't want to miss this insider look—it's heartwarming and eye-opening!
With gratitude,
Dr. Peter Dobias
As the crisis in Ukraine continues, people and animals there still need our help. There are a number of organizations working directly with the people and animals in Ukraine, and in this interview, Dr. Dobias interviews Lana Nicole Niland, the founder of UkrainianPatriot.org, who is bravely providing humanitarian aid to the people and animals still in Ukraine.
In this interview, you will gain first-hand knowledge of the horrific suffering that animals in Ukraine are experiencing daily, the work Lana and UkrainianPatriot.org are doing alongside other organizations such as Transform A Street Dog, who is rescuing abandoned and abused animals, and how we can collectively work together to help.
Hear how Lana finds light in the darkness, and how when we work together, we can accomplish much greater things.
To support Lana's rescue efforts, DONATE HERE:
Thank you for your kindness, generosity, and for making a difference!❤️🐶✌️🇺🇦
This is Alicia and I’m so happy to be sharing an update with you about a special animal rescue organization we’ve supported this month.
Rescue Road Trips is a unique rescue organization, founded by Greg Mahle, who you might not have heard of, but definitely should. He has almost 100K followers on Facebook and has been featured on the Today Show, in a documentary and mini-documentary, and even inspired a book.
Greg and his team are based in Ohio. They organize road trips in the southern states where spay/neuter rates are low and shelters are often overwhelmed and forced to euthanize completely healthy young dogs. These once unlucky dogs are given a second chance with new families in the New England region and this is why we have decided to contribute financially on your behalf.
During the rescue road trip, the team schedules plenty of breaks with groups of ‘volunteer angels’ that are ready to provide love and reassurance along the route through one-on-one time with the dogs on board.
They even have one person (often Greg) sleeping on a mattress in the trailer with up to 80 dogs who are all in the safety of their own crates.
If you’d like to know what one of these road trips look like, check out this map.
When the amazing rescue team gets home on a Sunday, they spend Monday cleaning trailers and sanitizing crates to get ready for another trip a week later. Isn’t that incredible?!
Greg and his team rescue more than 2,000 animals a year and is asking our community to take a moment to read a “Letter From Fido”. It’s a tough read, but makes us better appreciate what some less fortunate dogs experience.
Our deep thanks to you, Greg, and your team for the amazing work you do with so much heart, compassion and dedication. We are sending you $1,500 USD to help support your efforts.
With gratitude,
Alicia Amundson
on behalf of Dr. Dobias and the Natural Healing Team
Be kind whenever possible, it is always possible! - Dalai Lama
Click here for more articles on giving making a difference:
• Caring for dogs from Canada to India
• How you've helped street dogs in Nepal
© Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM
I can’t believe we are here again, almost saying goodbye to 2020. It has been a challenging year for most of us, and many people are looking towards 2021 with hope and anticipation. To say this, it is also true that when something bad happens, only the future will determine the true effect and consequences.
What I mean is that even the most negative events may possibly be a stepping stone to averting even worse disasters, and in this case, awaken humanity before it is too late.
After decades of unreasonable excess and consumption, the items that are in shortage are bicycles, sports gear, and baking supplies, which is a sign that many people are turning towards living healthier, more creative and meaningful lives.
The year 2020 has also been a year of dogs! Our innate desire to connect with others, and the need for social distancing, has lead many people to dogs, and they are making a huge difference in keeping us emotionally and mentally well.
This year has also been a very positive one for learning. We now live in a world where paying huge sums for college and traditional schools may no longer be necessary. Online learning is much cheaper, more accessible, and adept students are no longer at the mercy of admission committees and their inaccurate and often biased admission proceedings.
And while this does exclude the licensed professions such as law, medicine, accounting, or nursing, there are many jobs that can be learned completely online and that provide great earning opportunities.
Most companies look for good graphic designers, creatives, video editors, developers, webmasters, writers, customer service team members, and many people I know also look for roofers, plumbers, carpenters, electricians and gardeners.
2020 reminds me of the “Who Stole My Cheese Story” about two mice who lived an abundant life in a cozy nest. Miraculously, every day, a nice piece of cheese appeared at the little “mouse pantry”, enough to provide them with a comfortable life. However, one day the cheese stopped appearing and the two mice had to make an important life decision - whether to stay, or go search for more cheese.
The first one was scared, but eventually dared to venture out in search of more cheese. Life was not easy and there were many obstacles and dangers such as cats, cars, birds of prey, and mouse traps. As time progressed, this brave mouse learned how to be safe, but also survived by finding small bits of cheese at first, and then gradually more and more, until it had enough to survive and thrive.
The second mouse decided to stay, waiting for more cheese to appear, but every day there was less and less. Eventually, the poor mouse starved to death.
If you are like most people, getting out of your comfort zone is scary and unpleasant. It is similar to going for a swim in a chilly lake or ocean, as most of us don’t like the discomfort of cold water at first.
I usually stand in the water, teeter-tottering between dipping in and getting out. What helps me overcome the discomfort is imagining that the moment is like life. Dipping in usually means a little bit of discomfort at first, but then the chill quickly dissolves into feeling great and refreshed, despite the cold currents or waves.
So here I am, on the brink of 2021, hoping that you are safe and well and wishing you a happy, peaceful, and enjoyable holiday season. I also would like to thank you for caring for and loving your dogs, and also for trusting our work and products.
It is also an opportunity to celebrate the impact we have been able to make together, by sharing part of our company proceeds on your behalf, despite the challenges of 2020. To date, we have been able to donate $83,425 to a variety of dog, animal and natural conservation causes, and I would like to thank those of you who have purchased our products, and made this possible. Click here to learn more.
For years, I have felt a deep sense of helplessness in connection with the welfare of dogs and other animals in China, as it is impossible not to stumble upon images of dogs in meat markets 😢. And while I am fully aware that some of you may prefer not to be reminded about what’s happening over there, avoiding problems rarely solves them.
Today I have fantastic news! Dogs in China have been officially taken off the “livestock” list and moved into the pet category! Some people feel this is the start of a crackdown on the dog trade, and I am hopeful. The cities of Shenzhen and Zhuhai have completely banned the consumption of cat and dog meat, and I hope that other jurisdictions will soon follow.
One of my goals and dreams has been to help improve the situation in China, and it now seems more realistic. That is why our monthly donation will go to AnimalsAsia.org, an organization that has been tirelessly advocating and lobbying the Chinese government to protect dogs, cats and other animals. This is also an opportunity to thank those of you who trust and buy our products and inform you that we will be sending $1,730 on your behalf. So far, our total donations have reached $74,480, and our plan is to continue giving! And that is all for today. If you have not visited our Healing Store for some time, check it out and take advantage of our bundle savings!
© Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM
Earlier this summer we donated $3,000 worth of our essential supplements to Monkey's House, which is a not-for-profit dog hospice and sanctuary in Burlington County, New Jersey.
Since it's inception in 2015, Monkey's House has been able to help over 70 dogs by giving them top-notch veterinary care, raw diets and a loving and caring home - through adoption, foster homes, or at their own sanctuary.
With your help, we have been able to support charitable causes around the world. If you're curious about the impact you've helped us make in the lives of dogs and people, you can always visit our Healing Foundation page. Also, you won't want to miss watching the "Thank You" message from Monkey's House below (warning: get your tissues ready ;-)
© Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM
Did you know there are approximately 3 million stray dogs in Greece? We recently learned this from Aliki Salmas, a dog lover, a photographer, a photo book author and dog mom extraordinaire.
Here is their story……
“We were driving in a rural area, through a tiny town named Lefkochori just a few days before leaving Greece when we spotted a mangy, sickly looking dog on the side of the road. As we slowed to a stop he came to us as if he was asking "Have you got a scrap for me?"
His hairless body was full of sores, his cracked skin and oozing eyes were clearly a source of pain. It was beyond my comprehension that anyone could leave this poor soul behind. I knew we needed to save him!
We named him “Nelson” and vowed to come back with some food in a few hours. When we came back we couldn't find him but we left the food out for him. Later that day we came back, the food was gone and a few minutes later, to our delight, Nelson appeared!
Tentative but curious he slowly limped toward us. His tail was curled under him trying to wag.
With our departure just days away, we knew that the airline would not take a sickly, mangy dog on board, so I began contacting rescue groups to see if someone could look after him until we were able to come back to pick him up.
The locals thought I was crazy to try and save this one dog and told me I was fighting a losing battle. But I was armed with my love for animals, and optimism that someone would be able to help.
As a last ditch effort, I contacted a good friend in Vancouver who connected me with Diasozo Rescue in Northern Greece; a small, loving shelter where Nelson could be nursed back to health so we could fly him to Canada.
I will never forget the women from the shelter and their love and compassion. They opened their hearts to help Nelson and without the doubt saved his life. I can’t thank them enough!
Aliki Salmas, Vancouver, BC, Canada"
Isn’t this an amazing story? As you can see from the pictures, the transformation of Nelson stunning! He lives in Vancouver with his rescuers / “parents” Aliki and Walter.
On our community's behalf, we have donated $1000 USD to Diasozo Rescue this month to continue to help dogs in need.
Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. - Dalai Lama
Read about our other giving campaigns:
Houston rescue shelter steps up during disaster
A rescue shelter that feeds raw food!
© Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM
Hi Dog Lovers,
This is Alicia and I’m sharing a story I think will make you feel hopeful for the dogs affected by the recent natural disaster in the US.
This month I’d like to tell you what a rescue organization in Houston, Texas is doing to save dogs following Hurricane Harvey.
Shaggy Dog Rescue organization is dedicated to providing rescue services, vet care, foster care and adoptive placement to stray and abandoned dogs.
Their work recently became even more challenging. In late August Hurricane Harvey caused massive flooding with over 40 inches (100 cm) of rain in four days, displacing many people and animals.
In the midst of all this, the Shaggy Dog Rescue team was caring for dogs and very active on social media, connecting with the community to provide updates and share requests for help.
Here is just one story from their Facebook site:
This scared little girl was found just after the hurricane. She is approximately four years old and 15 lbs. Scared and heartworm positive is a bad combination. So many people want the perfect dog and don't have the patience to work with the imperfect ones. She is very sweet and with some TLC can blossom into the perfect pet once she feels safe again... Her name is Paisley.
Rescue Road Trips from Ohio (an organization that transports dogs from overwhelmed shelters in the southern states up to the New England region bi-weekly) coordinated and delivered donations. Shaggy Dog Rescue then distributed food and supplies to smaller organizations in need. People also helped Shaggy Dogs get connected to good websites that help worried dog lovers find their displaced animals.
The road to recovery will be difficult, but it’s reassuring to know there are so many people dedicated to helping those in need.
We are pleased to send $1,190 USD to Shaggy Dog Rescue on behalf of those of you who trust and purchase our all-natural products for dogs. By doing so, we can continue to support these important causes and we are very grateful for having such a great, caring and generous community.
With gratitude,
Alicia Amundson
on behalf of Dr. Dobias and the Natural Healing Team
Be kind whenever possible, it is always possible! - Dalai Lama
Read about our other giving campaigns:
Caring for dogs from Canada to India
How you've helped street dogs in Nepal
© Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM
Hi Dog Lovers,
This is Alicia, and I’m thrilled to be sharing an update with you about a great local rescue organization in Vancouver that feeds raw and recommends minimal vaccines.
A rescue shelter that feeds raw food
The Richmond Animal Protection Society (RAPS) was founded in the 1980s and is a registered charity that operates the City of Richmond Animal Shelter. We love RAPS because it is a no-kill shelter and they also promote natural and raw diets and minimal vaccination. These are the main two reasons why we chose to support them.
RAPS also successfully worked with the local government to ban pet store sales of puppies and kittens.
The biggest news is RAPS is opening a new Regional Animal Hospital at the end of 2017 and will use the revenue to operate the shelter. Isn’t that a great idea!
The income will also support an animal food bank and subsidize veterinary care for low-income families. Animals are cared for and loved by families who may run into financial challenges and, with RAPS help, they will not need to give up or euthanize their pets.
We could not be happier to send $1,475 on behalf of those of you who trust and purchase our all-natural products for dogs. By doing so, we can continue to support causes such as RAPS and others.
With gratitude,
Alicia Amundson
on behalf of Dr. Dobias and the Natural Healing Team
Be kind whenever possible, it is always possible! - Dalai Lama
Read about our other giving campaigns:
How one man and his team saved thousands of dogs' lives
Caring for dogs from Canada to India
How you've helped street dogs in Nepal
Health Tips and News:
Holistic Approach to Vaccination of Adult Dogs and Puppies
Is it ok to mix a raw diet and kibble?
How to choose the right puppy and avoid puppy mill disasters
© Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM
Hi Dog Lovers,
This is Alicia and I am here to give you our November and December giving report.
As some of you may already know, once every month or two, I prepare a little update on our company’s contributions that we make on your behalf.
Last month we contributed to several organizations doing fantastic work for the dogs of Maui, U.S.A, Whistler, Canada and Rio, Brazil. If you missed the report you can read it here.
How did we choose which dogs to help this month? With many wonderful organizations and volunteers that make a positive difference all over the world so there are a lot to choose from! We chose one local organization in Vancouver, Canada (Richmond Animal Protection Society, also known as RAPS) as well as B1G1 project in India (Visakha Society for the Protection and Care of Animals, also known as VSPCA).
RAPS is a registered charity that operates the City of Richmond Animal Shelter and, independently, one of North America’s largest cat sanctuaries. RAPS is proud to be a no-kill organization, which is among the reasons they have built a strong and devoted community of animal-loving allies supporting their mission.
RAPS was founded in the 1980s and has led the way in lobbying for animal wellbeing with Richmond becoming the first municipality to introduce a Spay and Neuter Bylaw for cats, and to ban the sale of puppies in pet stores in B.C.
They care for dogs, cats, birds, rabbits and all number of farm animals that have come into their care through being lost, abandoned or surrendered.
Please check out this great organization here to learn more about their fundraising, foster programs and happy updates on adoptions along with profiles on animals waiting for their forever homes.
Established in 1996, VSPCA has been hard at work to improve the conditions for animals in India. A permanent happy sanctuary is provided to hundreds of dogs, cats, birds, monkeys, horses, rabbits, tortoises, ducks and other animals who had been suffering severe abuse or neglect.
They also work to stop the illegal trade in internationally-protected sea turtles and rescue cows and water buffalo too old or injured to be kept by their previous owners.
Over 1300 large and small rescued animals are currently being cared for in their sanctuary near the city and their "Kindness Farm".
Spay and neuter procedures and health checks have been provided to more than 80,000 street dogs in their area resulting in a smaller, healthier and ever shrinking population of street dogs due to their wonderful efforts.
Thank you to our community for loving their dogs and understanding that purchasing our products not only makes a difference in your life but also those dogs in animal rescue organizations. We are grateful for having you as a part of our community.
With Gratitude,
Alicia Amundson
on behalf of Dr. Dobias and the Natural Healing Team
Be kind whenever possible, it is always possible! - Dalai Lama
For more information about our work with B1G1 click the links below:
Why B1G1 may not be what you think it is
How to be generous without spending any extra money
© Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM
If you are new to our community and would like to read what others have to say about the changes they have witnessed when they started giving their dog our supplements, read product reviews on each of the product pages.
Keep coming back to this page to see how much we've given and share this info with your friends!
With gratitude,
Dr. Peter Dobias & the Natural Healing Team
Dog lovers from all over the world connect with us every year to create a healthy, happy and long life for their dogs. Become a member and get instant access to a unique system of natural healing and nutrition to keep your dog happy and healthy for many years to come.
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