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  Wondering what veggies to feed?  Are you confused what veggies are safe to feed and which ones to avoid? This article contains all the essential information.

Laryngeal paralysis can severely affect a dog's well-being, but surgical intervention isn't always necessary. This tale of a chance encounter in Prague unveils how alternative approaches can sometimes provide unexpected solutions for our canine companions. Discover how a simple park meeting led to a surprising outcome for one worried dog...

Discover essential updates for dog lovers: holistic health tips, expert insights on spaying/neutering, mobility for senior dogs, and more. Learn about the hidden dangers of liver treats, debunk myths, and the risk of retractable leashes.

As our dogs age, their needs change, but their zest for life doesn’t have to. In this article, we explore how to help your senior dog maintain mobility and vitality through the right balance of exercise, nutritional support, and mindful care. Aging alongside your dog can be a beautiful journey.

Join Dr. Peter Dobias as he interviews veterinarians Dr. Moira Drosdovech and Dr. Mike Lavroff on the topics of hormone-sparing sterilization and the benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for dogs. Whether your dog is spayed, neutered, or intact, this information is crucial for their long-term health. Learn about how...

Learn about the pros and cons of different spay and neuter methods, how hormones can impact various health conditions in dogs and what you can do post-spay/neuter to help your dog. From LH levels and the benefits of Suprelorin and testosterone treatments this comprehensive Q&A with Dr. Michelle Kutzler covers...

As autumn arrives, we're excited to share updates on our joint health products, new guides, and expert insights. Discover the power of fascia therapy, learn about Boswellia's benefits, and explore natural ways to manage your dog's joint pain. Plus, find out why glass packaging matters and how to use our...

Recent breakthrough research has revealed the negative health consequences of conventional spaying and neutering in dogs. This article explores the importance of sex hormones for canine health, introduces hormone-sparing sterilization techniques, and discusses hormone replacement therapy for altered dogs. Learn about the latest veterinary guidelines, expert insights, and how these...

From post-surgery recovery, arthritis management and pain relief, laser therapy is transforming pet care. And the best part? You can learn how to do this right at home! Dr. McCauley shares insights on treatments, safety measures, and the exciting future of this technology in veterinary medicine.

Picture your dog frolicking freely in the mountains - a scene of pure happiness. But for some dogs, injuries make this impossible. Join us as we interview Dr. Laurie McCauley, a veterinary sports medicine specialist, about CCL injuries, one of the most prevalent issues in dogs. Learn about at-home diagnostic...

Discover how simple exercises, carefully chosen therapies, and a holistic approach can significantly enhance your dog’s mobility, vitality, and overall quality of life. Whether you're dealing with a sprightly puppy or a wise senior dog, Dr. McCauley shares a wealth of knowledge for every dog lover seeking to improve their...

Today, we're delving into an exciting topic: how Alga Calcarea is transforming the way we approach bone health and osteoporosis prevention. This unique, plant-based calcium source offers a natural and effective solution for those seeking to enhance their bone strength.

How to keep your dog's teeth healthy naturally, save money and reduce the need for anesthesia. Why raw bones are the key to your dog's healthy teeth.

Most people are unaware that leash corrections and choke chains cause a lifetime of problems.. Here are 5 ways to protect your dog from harm. 

A proper liver cleanse is an essential part of keeping your dog healthy and long living. It is also a great way to reduce liver enzyme levels in case of liver inflammation (hepatitis). In this article, you will learn all you need to know to take your best friend through...

A COMPLETE GUIDE - holistic and natural approach to anal gland problems in dogs - abscess, inflammation, infection and "fishy smell". What is normal and what you need to know to prevent irreversible mistakes.

There is a way to prevent disease and kick out toxins. I hope learning how will add years to your dog's life!  

In this interview with best-selling author Rodney Habib, you will learn why he is so exceptional in helping dog lovers around the world, what his childhood was about, one gift from his mother that made him be such an amazing communicator and teacher, and what Sammy, his soul-dog, taught him....

As the crisis in Ukraine continues, people and animals there still need our help. There are a number of organizations working directly with the people and animals in Ukraine, and in this interview, Dr. Dobias interviews Lana Nicole Niland, the founder of, who is bravely providing humanitarian aid to...

How do you choose an Omega-3 oil? From the outside, sourcing a relatively simple product might seem easy, but sourcing the right and safe Omega-3 is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

I hope you enjoy this interview I did with Dr. Karen Becker. I admire Karen for her lifetime achievements, expertise, humility and tireless service to the cause of natural and holistic nutrition, healthcare and animal welfare. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy this interview! Dr. Karen Becker and I go as far back to courses of homeopathy in the late nineties, and I have always enjoyed connecting with her. Watch to learn how you can lengthen your dog's life and live with no regrets.

I would like to share this very well-rounded, common sense podcast on the topic of COVID, with the hope that if many people listen to it, perhaps we will be able to go back to normal soon.

  This article could save you thousands in dental bills by showing you how you can keep feeding your dog bones and avoid broken teeth. 

A long and healthy life can be so simple. It only takes one step to make a dramatic change.

Recently, I came across a program where the author’s goal was to discredit doing a detox or cleanse; suggesting that they are a hoax. This prompted me to look at the objections the author made and share my professional point of view of cleanse and detox procedures in dogs, based...

I find it so beautiful when the most unlikely events occur. It is as if the universe talked to us in a mysterious way and that there was a true connection between this and "the other" world.

In our home, all the food we give to Pax is food we can eat as well. He loves this recipe and I am sure your dog will too. Give it a try!

Every dog lover wants more years to spend with their best friend so I'm sharing what I know about diet and supplements to help everybody get more time with their dogs. Watch this video to hear how you can counteract the effects of toxins and nutrient depletion with one simple...

Don't miss two new videos with my friend and colleague Dr. Eva Furnschuss (a holistic vet from Austria). We chat about life, dogs, health and friendship. Also, read about my visit to a concentration camp and why I believe it would be a good idea for everyone to visit, if possible.

A fun and informative interview with my friend and Austrian colleague, Dr. Eva Furnschuss. Watch the video of our conversation for valuable insights into the energetics of disease, and how your decisions and treatment choices can greatly influence outcome.

Here is an upside down piece of helpful info on "summer do's and don'ts for dogs" to keep them safe and out of the emergency room.

Many dog lovers are surprised to find out the true reason their dog suffers from skin lesions and rashes.  Find out why skin allergies are often misdiagnosed and four ways you can help your dog.

No one would try to eat plastic fruit, yet, many people still buy synthetic vitamins for dogs. Watch this video to learn why I love fermented vitamins and why they are the answer to deficiencies that make our dogs sick.

Often, I take a stance against kibble and pet food companies, but today, I would like to look at the current situation from a neutral observer’s point of view, and this newsletter explains in detail why.

Can you believe it!? Pax is one year old! It was a year ago today when Pax, a very special soul in my life, was born! He came into the world with the almost impossible task of filling Skai’s shoes, and all I can say is that he has exceeded...

Eco-sleeves are here! I have previously mentioned that we would soon be launching eco-sleeves to eliminate plastic bubble-wrap from our product shipments and THE DAY HAS COME! Watch this video to learn more about this eco-friendly shipping solution. 

Do your best not to fall into the spiral of hopeless thoughts. We may not always be successful, but it is always worth trying. The biggest growth happens during challenging times and crisis. To keep your spirits up, I have recorded a video with a recipe for A HEALTHY TREAT...

If your dog has a hairy ear canal, has had ear problems in general, such as moist, inflamed, yeasty or infected ears, or if you are just looking to prevent ear problems, this article is for you.

  A Healthy Way to Travel With Dogs Today I am writing on a train with sweet little Pax at my feet, snoozing away after running a few errands in Prague. Perhaps you are wondering why I am not taking the North American approach of driving; taking trains in Europe...

Here are 7 steps you can use to keep this toxic chemical out of your dog’s food and water.

There are many toxic chemicals in the environment and some of them can seriously affect the health of your dog. Learn how to protect your dog from these toxins and what you can do about reducing exposure.

Do you believe in some sort of mysterious force that sometimes puts you in the right place at the right time? In early spring, I connected with two very like-minded people, Victoria and JC, who live with three beautiful huskies, Tidus, Yuna, and Kimahri, otherwise known as the Husky Squad. We...

Our digestive system is part of a much larger picture than just processing food and nutrients. In fact, 80% of the immune system function resides in the gut. This means that your dog’s digestion and the food you feed is directly related to his or her disease and cancer resilience,...

Experience Pax's exciting first day with us as he joins our pack on a spontaneous road trip. Watch the heartwarming video of his outings and see how well he adjusts. Stay tuned for more videos on puppy care and training. Pax has brought immense joy to our lives.

A few months ago, I mentioned an interview I did with Greg Mahle of Rescue Road Trips. Greg has spent the past thirteen years driving 4,200 miles round trip every couple of weeks rescuing over 50,000 dogs from kill shelters in the Southern United States. 

This morning, I was wide awake at 5 A.M. which was the right time for venturing out in the sleepy streets of Prague. The light was perfect, and I really enjoyed the mystery of not knowing what was to come. Observing the canvas of life through the camera lens is...

I am so happy to let you know that last weekend, my partner, my niece and I met our new puppy! He was born on May 27th, (I am born on Jan 27th ;-) and we found him through the joint efforts of, you, our community, right here in a...

Safari Park Dvur Kralove is the most successful rhino conservation centre raising 46 black rhinos, the highest number outside Africa. This year five rhinos, three females and two males, are preparing for transport on June 23, 2019 to depart for their African "honeymoon" to help restore dwindling rhino populations. 

I have been thinking of how important travel of any kind is to growing and learning. I often recall Paolo Coelho’s book,The Alchemist, where the main character travels around the world to learn life lessons while looking for a treasure. Eventually, he returns home, only to find what he was...

Learn from an amazing dog guardian who nurtured her dog to live to an amazing 23 years of age. In this interview, Judith Catherine Lam shares her wisdom and insights with Dr. Peter Dobias on the key to a healthy, happy and long-living canine friend! 

Most people are unaware that unless marked otherwise, vitamins are made chemically from crude oil and coal. They are a mock version of true food based vitamins. Choosing the right vitamins can make a huge difference to your dog's health and longevity.

I know this may sound ridiculous but there are two fields that still use complicated and hard to understand language: medicine and law. Perhaps because of my grandfather’s comments, I have always questioned the necessity of this “linguistic” barrier and wondered what the reasons are. Here are 4 reasons I...

Join me on my lunch break while I look through some of the questions we've received in our inbox. The following video is a compilation of answers to some of your most burning questions. Check it out now!

With our community growing, I get a lot of requests to share my opinion on other people’s products. It makes complete sense that you would ask such questions and today, I would like to explain why I choose not to be a critic of someone else's products.

There are a a few medical reasons why your dog may have low appetite. However, if your dog receives a clean bill of health from your vet, it could be this one simple thing you are doing that is turning him or her into a picky eater.

Throughout my life, I've kept my "guardian angels" pretty busy with various injuries, and I certainly do not know what else life has in store for me. However, I do know that the seemingly negative events in our lives may help us become better people and understand our dogs better.

Do you love to create, paint and have fun? One of our customer service team members (and Healing Ambassador), Shelina, who also goes by “The Doggy Diva Who Cares,” 🤓🤩🤪 came up with a really fun idea for a GreenMin painting contest.The reason is that, besides GreenMin being a mineral and amino-acid...

I have been a sleepwalker my whole life and walked through a glass door in my early 20s. As I fell through the glass, a glass shard cut through a branch of my femoral artery, and I almost died from losing about 3 litres (12 cups) of blood. Frankly, I...

No matter where you live and how far you can or want to go, do not wait to take your dog and those you love for an adventure. It does not need to be far. Life is not a mosaic of what material gifts we give and get. It is a...

What do they have in common?  A special New Year's Video message from Dr. Peter Dobias, Holistic Vet. 

A special video message to all of you dog lovers around the world!

A heartwarming message from a dog hospice and sanctuary that we donated products to earlier this year.

A special holiday message for you and your dog!

When it comes to dogs, their health, and extending their lives, I am definitely a dreamer. I dream of a world where both the holistic and conventional practitioners work together to achieve the goals of healthy and long lives for our dogs.

Today, my intention is to touch on the topic of drug companies and their role in the current healthcare system. Rarely do I look at a situation from their point of view, but today, I decided to do exactly that. For some of you, it may even look like I...

A new and easy way to save on our products has arrived! Here is a quick video on why our quantity pricing is better than coupons and how you can save on our Dr.Dobias Original Products all year long.

Dog lovers should be patient like moths on a lake and educate themselves on their dog's health issues all the while trying different natural techniques.

How can you spend more time with your best friend? Learn one principle that can give your dog more healthy years and its right under your nose. 

Toxic chemicals are like toxic people. Find out how they affect you and your dog’s life and how best to rid yourself of these negative influences.

Treating an ear infection could have been a turning point in my career. In the end it just strengthened my feeling that I have to treat animals in the way I know is right, even if it is not conventional.

A natural approach to feeding, supplements, vaccination and procedures.

It’s always worrying when our dog is not eating. We all want our best friends to be happy and healthy! So if you have a fussy eater, try these 8 steps to get them eating again.

What do dog lovers in Florence know that many North American dog lovers don’t? It’s an important way to protect your dog’s health and give them a longer life. Read about it in this article.

There is a secret in your dog's hair that could make his or her life longer. Improve your dog's health by finding out what is missing and how to get rid of some nasty toxins.

If there were comics written about bacteria, Salmonella and E. coli would be Kryptonite and villains and probiotics (the beneficial intestinal microflora) would be?

No more guessing, no more frustration. Learn what is really going on with your allergic dog. Most dogs are misdiagnosed and you need to know why in order to help.