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Video: Who is helping the pets of Ukraine?

As the crisis in Ukraine continues, people and animals there still need our help. There are a number of organizations working directly with the people and animals in Ukraine, and in this interview, Dr. Dobias interviews Lana Nicole Niland, the founder of, who is bravely providing humanitarian aid to...

Superpowers you may not know you have

Did you know that you have superpowers? If you can tap into them, you can use them to help make the world a better place. Read on to learn some of the straightforward ways our actions and choices can create change for good.

The Best Omega-3: Fatty acids for dogs

How do you choose an Omega-3 oil? From the outside, sourcing a relatively simple product might seem easy, but sourcing the right and safe Omega-3 is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Are risk-takers heroes or addicts?

Why are those that take part in extreme sports idolized and considered heroes? When do the impacts of their actions on those around them come into play? Read my thoughts on this here, along with why we shouldn't take risks when it comes to our dogs' health.

Can you and your dog really be happy anywhere?

Are you living above your proverbial “tree line”? Could it be that we have our own optimal place of existence where happiness is easier for us - and our dogs - to achieve? Click here to read my thoughts on why ideally, we should strive to increase our level of tolerance,...

Bartonella - A microbe suspected in cancer growth in dogs

Often called a stealth pathogen, Bartonella is neither a real bacteria or a real parasite. It can cause serious health conditions in dogs, including heart inflammation, cardiac valve disease, and possibly even hemangiosarcoma. Click here to learn how dogs can contract Bartonella, what the symptoms of Bartonella infection are, and...

Holistic Approach to Cushing's Disease - Explanation, Diagnosis and Treatment

The main purpose of this Cushing’s disease series is to clarify some misconceptions about this adrenal gland disease, uncover some lesser-known connections in the disease developments and openly communicate the benefits and limitations of both, conventional and holistic approaches to treatment and prevention.

How to stop idiots from ruining the world

I know most of us are upset about what is going on in Ukraine. I do my best not to post about negative events too often but this one has a positive feel good solution and also an avenue for you to help if that is what you would like...

9 out of 10 dogs and people suffer from this condition

Read more about trauma, a condition that affects 9 out of 10 people and many dogs. Find out why it's responsible for emotional suffering, disease, cancer, and lost lives, and read about how working through it can change lives. 

How to transition dogs from kibble to raw food

Are you worried about your dog's health or thinking of making the switch from kibble to raw or cooked natural food? Learn how to switch your adult dog or puppy safely and how to make their diet complete. 

An interview with Dr. Karen Becker and Dr. Peter Dobias

I hope you enjoy this interview I did with Dr. Karen Becker. I admire Karen for her lifetime achievements, expertise, humility and tireless service to the cause of natural and holistic nutrition, healthcare and animal welfare. Enjoy!

An interview with Dr. Karen Becker

I hope you enjoy this interview! Dr. Karen Becker and I go as far back to courses of homeopathy in the late nineties, and I have always enjoyed connecting with her. Watch to learn how you can lengthen your dog's life and live with no regrets.

Good news on the COVID front!

I would like to share this very well-rounded, common sense podcast on the topic of COVID, with the hope that if many people listen to it, perhaps we will be able to go back to normal soon.

The Right Raw Bones Can Save Your Dog's Teeth and Thousands in Dental Care

  This article could save you thousands in dental bills by showing you how you can keep feeding your dog bones and avoid broken teeth. 

Making life plans? Why you should listen to your dog

What do you think your dog or cat would tell you to do if they could speak? Do you think they would want us to work 12 hour days, spend hours in traffic, watch too much TV, or shop for things we don’t need? Read on to see why you...

Why dogs are the heroes of 2021

The end of 2021 is here. This is what I've learned during this challenging year, and why we should choose to be the mouse that ventures out of the pantry.

10 most common mistakes dog lovers make when raising a puppy

Don’t adopt a dog until you consider these 10 points. You and your new best friend will be much happier.

Many dogs are unwell and it's all the electrician's fault!

Did you know that dog food kibble was invented by James Spratt, an electrician? While he fancied himself a nutritionist, he really was just hungry for money. Read here to find out how the kibble industry has brainwashed us, and why raw food is the best food for our dogs.

Why I would never attach a leash to my dog's collar

Your dog’s neck is vital to their health because it's in charge of the nerve, blood, and energy flow supply to the muscles and organs, and it also connects the brain with the rest of the body. Read this article to find out why I would NEVER attach a leash...

5 steps that may add up to 3 years to your dog's life

Do you know the 80/20 rule, and how 20 % of your choices can make 80% of a difference? It applies to many things in life, including your dog's health. Here's why you shouldn't stress over the tiny details, and my simple steps that will help you and your dog...

The crazy world of yogurt aisles and why your choices matter

Do you ever wonder why there are rows and rows of the same items in a store, just different brands? Does it make you happy to have options, or do you think it’s wasteful that most of these items will end up in the landfill? Here’s why I always recycle,...

Fatty Lumps (Lipomas), Other Lumps and Why Surgery Is Not the Best Choice

An essential resource for every dog lover with a lumpy dog...  If you  find yourself confused about what to do when you  find a lump or immediately think of the worst-case scenario, I hope this blog will be useful.

An empath’s guide on how not to piss people off

What questions does your doctor ask you before prescribing medication to you, and what questions should you be asking your doctor about the pills they prescribe? In this blog post I have put together a few real life stories to demonstrate how I choose when I talk to others about...

Natural health, supplements and internet trolls

Who is Mrs. Kratka, and what does she have to do with Internet trolls? In this blog post, I talk about what I really think about people who “slam” me for selling supplements for dogs, and why they don’t make me upset. I also tell a story of Mrs. Kratka,...

Why Vienna scores low on the list of dog friendly cities

Do you wonder how dogs live in other parts of the world? When I travel with Pax, I get to explore the city from a dog’s point of view, and I always make sure my hotel is close to a park or green space for Pax. Some cities are incredibly...

Diabetes in Dogs - Treatment and Prevention - Holistic Approach

Diabetes is one of the most frustrating diseases vets see, and it is so easy to prevent in many dogs. Diabetes happens almost exclusively in dogs on kibble, and this article explains the biology behind it. If you feed your dog a raw or cooked diet, you are very likely...

How to find your place of truth

My goal for this post is to bring some sort of sense to the madness of the Covid vaccine debate, so that we can all talk to each other without thinking that the other side is either insane, or dangerous. Here is how I understand the current situation in 11 simple points,...

A new dog safety page for every dog lover

Do you worry about how to keep your dog safe? Learn about our new page that includes info on toxic plants for dogs, car safety for dogs, dog first aid, and much more. I hope it will help you prevent accidents and prepare you in case an emergency does occur....

Announcement! New H+ line multivitamin for you

This summer, my team and I have been busy launching our H+ human line of supplements. So now, in addition to FeelGood Omega H+, GreenMin H+ and NMNPure H+, I would like to introduce another ally on your journey towards greater health and longevity: SoulFood H+ a complete, fermented, certified organic, multivitamin.

Why thousands of dog lovers may be harming their dogs without knowing

In my opinion, the current state of medicine is not as much of the fault of individual veterinarians and doctors, but a systemic issue that starts with one sided education and ends with lobbyists working hard to protect the interest of pharmaceutical companies. The three “moments” I share here are...

Positive news on the anti-aging front

Sometimes people ask me why I talk about more than just dogs and their health, and it’s because I believe that our dogs’ well-being rests upon the state and well-being of the people caring for them, and it’s why I started making supplements for people, too. Learn more about NMNPure...

A story of a lost friend

Can you imagine living in a world where friends become enemies, and opportunities and freedoms are taken away, just because of differences of opinions? My life behind the Iron Curtain still sometimes haunts me, but it has allowed me to see the threats to democracy more clearly. If no deer has...

The worst 18 hours of Pax's and my life

Usually I know how to begin, however today I am having a hard time finding my words. Perhaps I should step back and let Pax share his side of the most scary 18 hours of my life, and tell you all about how he survived being lost in the high...

Four ingredients for happiness

Do you know why many of my supplements for dogs and people, including SoulFood, are fermented? The fermentation process is powerful and transforms vitamins into whole foods, and increases potency, along with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. And, all my supplements are also made with four key surprising ingredients — ones...

Natural treatment of wounds, incisions, hot spots, bee stings, insect bites and more

For many decades, people have been resorting to wound care products that are toxic to the bacteria but also to the body’s own cells. Hydrogen peroxide, Hibitane soaps and antibiotic creams damage the skin cells around the margin of the wound, delay healing and cause more visible scars.

Why hydrogen peroxide should not be used on wounds

Find out why hydrogen peroxide does not need to be in your medicine cabinet. I am sharing a simple six-step all-natural method with you for treating wounds, incisions, stings and other skin ailments.

5 Most Common Mistakes People Make When Treating Skin Wounds and Incisions

The status quo isn't always the best option so here are some reasons to follow a different and all-natural routine when it comes to treating wounds and incisions.

7 steps to trouble-free natural wound care for dogs and people

When I was released from the hospital following a surfing accident, the hospital staff gave me zero instructions on how to take care of the wound! The only thing the nurse did was apply a big blob of Polysporin antibiotic ointment, which I washed off immediately. This whole experience made me...

Natural Guide to Giardia Treatment and Prevention in Dogs

Does your dog like to drink from puddles, creeks and rivers? If so, here’s everything you need to know about Giardia, a tiny microorganism that can cause a lot of digestive issues if your dog has a weakened or inflamed gut. Learn how you can help strengthen your dog’s intestinal...

Freedom of choice will remain

Are you unsure about the COVID vaccine? It may surprise you to hear that I am not for or against the COVID vaccination, and that’s because we haven’t had enough time to know what the right answer is. Based on my research and expertise as a veterinarian and health care...

The first human line product is here!

Our first human line product is here! Learn more about FeelGood Omega H+ and what benefits it can provide for your body, including healthy aging, cell repair, mobility and brain function support, and more.

One important mineral that keeps you, your dog, and everything else alive

Do you know which mineral keeps you, your dog and all living things alive? If not, I suggest you read on to find out! Here in part two of my Essential Minerals for Dogs series, I talk about six minerals your dog can’t go without, how much of each mineral...

7 minerals that will make a huge difference in your dog's life

It’s hard to believe that I didn’t really like chemistry in high school. Now, I find it fascinating, because I can see how chemistry and minerals can make our dogs’ bodies, and our own, function optimally. There is something so mighty and powerful in giving the body minerals: They power...

Is spirulina good for dogs?

Here are 10 reasons why dark-green algae should be in every dog's diet.

Why mineral deficiencies lead to dehydration and premature aging in dogs

Over the years, I have frequently written on the topic of mineral and nutrient depletion in dogs, and data shows that almost every dog that doesn’t get supplements is lacking the essential minerals and vitamins needed for a longer, healthier life. In fact, mineral deficiency leads to body depletion, organ...

One thing will make the most difference to your dog's health

A long and healthy life can be so simple. It only takes one step to make a dramatic change.

Are your friendships in tune?

Do you know what your dog’s liver and your closest relationships have in common? If you’ve ever heard the saying that you are the sum of your five closest friends in your life, you might know what I’m talking about: if those friendships aren’t in tune, you might be feeling...

Anxious, fearful and worried dogs: What to do, in a nutshell

Anxiety, fear and aggression in dogs can be genetic or a result of their environment, and how you react in stressful situations can either increase or diminish the level of anxiety or fear your dog experiences. Here’s what I have learned over the last 30 years, and how you can...