Today, I am bringing you a monthly "smorgasbord" of the most important articles, videos, and news of the month that you may not want to miss!
Holistic Health and Iridology
The month started with an interview with British animal lover, educator, and healer Catherine Edwards. I love her down-to-earth yet very grounded and intelligent approach to healing that is inspired by nature. We talked about animal iridology, pharmacognosy, and other hot topics in holistic healing.
Rapamycin and Dogs
Dr. Kevin Toman is a true pioneer, unafraid of challenging the norm and staying true to his promise of always being there for his patients. The center of our discussion was the use of Rapamycin, a drug that appears to have the ability to make cancer cells die and repair DNA. I have written on the use of Rapamycin before and have successfully used it in the treatment of a mast cell tumour of my friend's dog. Almost three years later, he is still going strong!
Spring Cleanse and Detox
Celebrating the arrival of spring as a symbol of renewal, HairQ Test® has been a hot item to ensure that your dog is getting a balanced diet and establishing heavy metal levels. LiverTune® is another great ally in the cleansing process.
In my clinical observations, I discovered that LiverTune is invaluable in the treatment of allergies, chronic ear conditions, skin problems, digestive issues, autoimmune disease and cancer in both dogs and people. See the ingredient list here.
My personal experience with LiverTune is better sleep, feeling more refreshed and less puffy in the morning.
There are two versions of LiverTune - one for you and one for your dog.
Note: I originally recommended LiverTune twice a year, but now I add it to Pax's and my supplement routines for one week per month. LiverTune has adaptogens, which also helps us get through a stressful day.
FleaHex & TickHex - your dogs' great allies
The risk of using conventional flea and tick products continues to be a concern, with frequent reports of seizures, toxicity, and even fatalities. This is why I am so grateful to be able to offer a safe, natural alternative.
Here is an important update on how to use FleaHex and TickHex most effectively:
- If no fleas are present and you want to prevent them, spraying FleaHex or TickHex spray once a week should suffice.
- Use both FleaHex Wash and Spray for a month and then transition to once a week using spray only
Neighbouring households, feral cats or dog parks, and other animals may be sources of ongoing infestations. In such cases, you may need to continue with FleaHex Wash and Spray throughout the flea season.
- Use TickHex up to once per day during the tick season before walks, especially in tick-heavy areas such as forests and long grasses.
Note: TickHex spray can be used for both fleas and ticks
As always, Canadian friends can order these products from our US store. The Canadian authorities continue to make the sale of safe products difficult while they allow toxic and sometimes lethal products on Canadian shelves.
Here is your opportunity to get FleaHex and TickHex
March Videos
Despite being super busy in the past month, preparing for the launch of JointPowder, the new joint and mobility formula, we still managed to record a few videos.
Here is your March "PetFlix" Selection:
Getting the Most From Your Vitamins
How to Prioritize Your Health and Build a Strong Future
Why Dogs Eat Grass
The First Treatment to REVERSE Heart Disease in Dogs
JointPowder Update
Some of you may wonder when the new, highly anticipated product will launch. We are finishing the final touches to ensure everything is as it should be.
I am counting the days and holding my breath because this will be the most comprehensive joint and mobility supplement formula available. JointPowder is made from 13 natural, organic, and fermented ingredients, each carefully selected for its potential to support joint health and mobility. It is packaged in glass and formulated to keep your dog happy and mobile for many years to come.
Check out the new product page with ingredients and the science behind JointPowder.
This months Focus- Dementia, Omega-3, and DHA
Dementia in dogs and people is on the rise, and DHA is a scientifically proven nutrient to protect the brain and the integrity of the blood-brain barrier and prevent dementia.
NOTE: Some of you may be surprised that I take six FeelGood Omega H+ capsules (6000 mg of calamari oil), which equals 3000 mg of EPA/DHA.
Pax gets about 1.5 tsp of FeelGood Omega ®, which equals 2000mg EPA/DHA, because the most current research suggests that higher doses are much more effective.
INTERESTING FACT: Squid (calamari) oil has double the DHA of any other natural Omega 3 source, and it is also certified sustainable by Friends of the Sea.