A story of dog Utopia
Ready for two provoking and thought inviting topics?! You are at the right place.
The first one is freeeeedom! You know the thing that we used to be entitled to according to the charter of rights.😉
The second topic is about whether or not we should let our dogs sleep in our beds. How dare I even think of our bacteria ridden filthy dogs being in bed. 🤣 Of course, I am joking!
At the end of this rant you will also find super sweet bundle savings on the most awesome dog supplements in the world (humble brag😇) that will make your heart sing, and your dog love you even more.
Every Sunday morning, Pax and I get up, eager to join a group of crazy dog lovers like me, who gather at Maui’s Baby Beach. This is where I am the closest to being an undercover agent, as most people there don’t know that I am a vet, which makes me see and hear things I would not otherwise.
Baby Beach is the closest thing to being transported into a parallel universe light years away from the USA and Canadian mainland.
It is a world void of “NO DOGS” signs and anti-dog folks who think they should be the only ones who are allowed to swim, run (and fart) on the beach. You know the people who give you a lecture about your dog being an environmental and health hazard, while they eat the most horrible junk food and throw plastic all over the place.
Anyhow, Baby Beach is an otherworldly Utopia with a shallow body of water shielded by a 15 ft wide lava shelf that protects children, and dogs from heavy surf and rip currents.
As the name suggests, the beach is frequented by families with babies, of both the furry and non-furry varieties. It is not uncommon to see 20 plus dogs on the beach on a Sunday morning, and about the same number of children playing. There are no fences, no dividers, no "no dogs" signs and no toilets. 🥴 (oops, county of Maui, any plans?)
However, what is really fantastic, awesome, and surreal is the fact that everyone gets along without set rules. Human babies play on the right side of the beach, off leash dogs on the left, the pot bellied pig in the middle. I am not kidding, there is one that comes to the beach! And I forgot to mention the turtles who are respected and left alone, to make us all happy.
To summarize, all creatures, large and small have self-organized with no police force nearby.... Imagine!
I looooooove Baby Beach because it is a fantastic example of what I believe in, and an example of the world that could be. When a community is healthy (meaning when it is not run by idiots), dogs and kids get a chance to socialize and get used to hanging out with others, and idiots seems to disappear and turn into nice people too! .
Seriously, Baby Beach must be one of the happiest and inspiring dog friendly places on the planet and I am so grateful Pax and I get to spend some time there.
Perhaps some people may object that not every dog is friendly, however even that issue has been solved without written rules. People who live with reactive dogs understand that Baby Beach is not for them, and they choose to frequent other more suitable locations or separate dog-only beaches.
I know it is shocking that all dogs are not restricted because of the one or two misbehaved ones! Shouldn't they all live their lives in cages, and 100% on leash, just because of one dog fight or bite? Also, shouldn't all people go to prison for the crimes only a few people commit?
You know that I am not being serious. What I am trying to convey here is that when the social needs of people and dogs are met, magic happens and everyone gets along.
If you agree, download the image below, print it off, and pass it around to other beach goers to share.
The second topic of the day ties in nicely to the one above. For decades, I have witnessed many dog trainers abusing dogs under the "header" of dog training. Telling others "YOU ARE THE BOSS" and "YOUR DOG MUST BE DOMINATED" in order to behave.
Personally, I think it is a pile of doo-doo
Have you ever heard of anyone being happy to be to wearing choke chains, prong, or shock collars, and being bossed and jerked around?! Ehmmm, I guess some people may like it 🤣 but we are keeping things PG here and are talking about dogs.
What would you choose
a stick, a choke chain and jerks,
treats, kindness, and patience?
I do believe that even the trainers who suggest the top down methods love dogs. They just had bad teachers, who pass on the never-ending domino game of bad training. This makes dogs behave because they are scared, not because they are well trained and want to please.
Dogs are like us, they never ever want to feel safe and respected, and they enjoy being traumatized by harsh parenting the same way we do. Right?
But seriously, I know dogs like to push the limits to see how far they can go. Don't we all? The problem is that some of them get traumatized, which makes them bury their anger and frustration the same way that people do. Most aggression is there to cover up fear.
Personally, if I got pinned down, shocked, and jerked around I would be angry too, wouldn’t you?
However, I do have a lot of empathy for dog trainers, who have to deal with some very very crazy people the same way vets and other service providers do. Dog trainers have the difficult task of training people, so their dogs can feel safe.
Which brings us back full circle to allowing dogs to sleep in our beds. Here is the way I like it. Dogs are a perfect addition to everyone's life, house and BED! JUST MAKE SURE THEY GET THEIR OWN PILLOW! 🐶❤️
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