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How you helped save thousands of dogs’ lives

One man and his team have been saving thousands of dogs every year in the southern United States and you have supported his efforts! Learn how.

Is it ok to give dogs milk?

Milk or no milk? What could be causing your dog’s allergies? And what is the best diet for dogs with food allergies? You might be surprised!

Protect your dog from cranial cruciate ligament injuries

No one wants to hear their dog has a Cranial Cruciate ligament injury, which can mean surgery and permanent damage. Learn how to avoid this common knee injury.

3 things the dogs of Florence and Michelangelo's David have in common

What do dog lovers in Florence know that many North American dog lovers don’t? It’s an important way to protect your dog’s health and give them a longer life. Read about it in this article.

Is your dog keeping an eye on you? More conversations with Skai

Many people say they can still feel their dogs presence after they’ve passed away. Could they be visiting you in different forms? 

How you’ve helped street dogs in Nepal

You’ve done it again! You helped street dogs a world away in Nepal get the chance for a better life. Read about the amazing work your loving and caring purchases have brought to dogs living a world away.

How to treat insect bites and stings naturally

A simple and natural approach to treating insect bites and stings without drugs and steroids.

Is there an afterlife? A conversation with my dog

Have you lost a dog and still felt their presence? If you’ve ever wondered if there is an afterlife for dogs you’ll want to read this article.

A big thank you + a little bit of Skai love

Its only been a week since my dog Skai passed away and I still feel his presence everywhere. Grieving the loss of our best friends is never easy, so I am sharing what I’ve learned with others suffering the same heartbreak.

What do mandarin oranges have to do with dogs?

Why you don’t have to despair as you watch your senior dog age. Ways you can prepare yourself for the time you have to say goodbye to your best friend.

How your dog has helped dogs In Costa Rica and the USA

Another way you help dogs - the new giving report is in! Two shelters that are saving dog’s lives, getting them healthy and happy and giving them great homes are the recipients of this month’s donations. We found a shelter in Colorado and Costa Rica that are making a huge...

Is it ok to mix a raw diet and kibble?

Is a little bit of kibble ok? Is mixing a raw and cooked diet with a kibble now and then harmless or harmful? This article answers your questions about feeding kibble to your best friend.

How you helped students access books, bikes and university education

Your purchases last month helped Cambodian girls overcome the many hurdles they face to get an education. Want to hear the amazing story of what it takes to get through school in that country and how you helped? Read on.

Should you try to stop a dog attack?

Dog attacks are scary and something no dog lover wants to happen. But what do you do if it does?

Natural treatment of acute allergic reactions and bee stings in dogs

There could be a surprising reason for swelling in your dog. Allergic reactions and bee stings can be the cause. Find out natural ways you can treat and prevent these reactions.

How you and other dog lovers helped restore orangutan habitat

How the love for your dog travelled all the way to orangutans in Borneo. Read the latest giving report to find out how you are making a difference for animals all over the world.

A 7 step guide to picking the best veterinarian

Sometimes the right decision is right under your nose! Learn how to recognize a good choice from a bad choice when and why it is important to trust yourself.

Caring for dogs from Canada to India

Another day, another way to help dogs who need our help. It's time again to update you on how your Natural Healing purchases have helped dogs from around the world - this time in Canada and India. Read on to find out how you have been a part of a...

How you helped dogs in Brazil, Canada and the U.S.A.

Your purchases in October not only benefitted your dog, they helped out dogs in Canada, the U.S. and Brazil. That's a lot of love!

How dogs live in Costa Rica

You may have helped a homeless dog in Costa Rica find a home. Want to know how? Read this giving report to find out how loving and caring for your dog turned into a lot of love for other dogs too.

A mysterious connection between your dog's lung health, cough and emotions

What could be causing your dog’s cough? There are many lung diseases out there, but many people are still not aware about this one important cause. Read how this unique approach can improve your dog's lung health.

The Mysterious Connection Between Your Dog's Neck and Internal Organ Health

There is one part of the body that affects many vital organs. The neck is the gateway for nerve, energy and blood flow to the rest of your dog’s body. I know you want to protect your dog and keeping their neck healthy is a very important principle to achieve...

Why missing this may affect your dog's life span

Learn how to examine your dog’s spine and what might be hiding in plain view. See the commonly missed causes of disease and how to determine if your dog has back pain and discomfort. 

Why you need to know this about your dog's ears

Two things that will change your dog's ear health and comfort forever. Why that sore-looking ear may not be what you think and how your dog’s body takes care of its ears.

Your dog's invisible pathway of life that you must know about

You can avoid many harmful and unnecessary treatments for your dog with one simple principle. Learn how to check your dog’s spinal alignment and find out what ailments muscle injuries, pinched nerves and blocked energy flow can cause by reading this article.

One thing you may not know about multivitamins for dogs

You won't believe what most multivitamins are made from. Learn which vitamins work the best and which ones to avoid.

How to keep your dog safe from drugs and minimize side-effects

This time I've taken on the topic of drugs and how to decide which ones are ok to use if needed and which ones are too dangerous to use.

Does your dog’s food contain mercury and arsenic?

There is a secret in your dog's hair that could make his or her life longer. Improve your dog's health by finding out what is missing and how to get rid of some nasty toxins.

Do you know what you don't know?

If you believe knowledge is power you need to read this article and share it with others because sharing is caring.

Spirulina for dogs - What you need to know

In this day and age, knowing about healthy nutrition is not enough. As you will see in this article, ingredient sourcing knowledge is also crucial to your dog's health.

What other dog lovers think about one of the most debated and heated topics

The subject of collars took our social media by storm this weekend. Read some community members comments and my answers about the best way to keep your dog safe and healthy while out on a walk.

3 life lessons from an unplanned trip around the world

Is there more good than bad in the world? A much-delayed plane trip gave me some unexpected answers.

What is "The stubborn donkey syndrome"?

There are ways you can help dogs and their people. This article can help you deliver life-saving advice and keep your friends!

You should know about one of the most dangerous treatments for dogs

This drug can cause serious long term health issues for you dog - do you know what it is? You might be surprised to find out what you think is helping your dog is actually hurting them in the long run. Read on to find out how to avoid a...

Important! I hope you will read this.

This is a topic that every dog lover needs to know about because we can make a difference! Find out when humans make dogs more important than themselves and how it negatively affects your dog’s health.

Holistic Approach to Perianal Tumours in Dogs

I bet you never guessed that getting familiar with the back end of your dog’s anatomy could save them from surgery. A lump around your dog’s anus can be two things that you may not have heard of before. Read more about the differences between perianal adenoma and anal tumours...

5 steps to getting a dream team for your dog

Do you ever wonder why you can choose the best health practitioner for you, but if you want to take your dog to a chiropractor or acupuncturist you need a referral? A visit from a friend got me thinking again about how many manmade rules are not actually about helping dogs...

What is one of the most damaging treatments in medicine?

You often get what you pay for and drugs are no exception. The quick and cheap fix often only causes more problems in the long run. I am sharing my 6 natural treatments for inflammation that last longer than commonly used drugs and avoid the side-effects.

Should you worry about arsenic levels in chicken and dog food?

I have received a question about my last blog on the topic of  arsenic in food that I would like everyone to hear the answer to. I am happy to report there is good news about arsenic in chicken so please read on to hear about changes that might affect...

How loving your dog changes the world

Our caring initiative has already benefitted an endangered species in Asia. Our amazing community continues to show how much they care about their dog’s health by purchasing our all-natural products and in turn, we give a portion of the proceeds to amazing organizations that are saving animals around the world....

How to avoid foods high in arsenic and keep your dog healthy

Should rice be a part of your dog's diet? Many dog food companies include it because it is relatively cheap, but I always look to nature when it comes to choosing my dog's diet. Rice, especially from Asia, is also high in arsenic and that is an especially good reason...

One thing you should never risk with your dog

Tying your dog to a chair can have deadly consequences. Luckily I was able to catch four little dogs tied to a chair before they ran into traffic this week. This scary situation reminded me of how important it is to never tie your dog to moveable furniture.  

5 Steps to Protect Your Dog From Antibiotic Damage

Every living thing has a unique bacterial fingerprint. The unique mix of bacteria found on all living things could be the key to a longer life, a healthy weight and better health for your dog. Antibiotics can affect your dog’s bacterial makeup so only use them when necessary and use...

Probiotics can make a night and day difference in your dog’s life

My love of bacteria was almost stifled by boring text books, but I learned to love the helpful little ‘buggas’ and want to share why some bacteria is friend, not foe.

Carrying Your Dog the Wrong Way Can Cause Back Problems

Are you aware that the way you carry your dog around can affect his or her health? Many dogs suffer from back injuries, which are known to affect your dog's health very deeply. Learn how to keep your dog safe...

What is second-hand placebo?

Is it possible for dogs to feel the benefits of a placebo? Maybe not, but I’ve seen dogs benefit from what I call secondhand placebo effect and it may have something to do with their people!  

Why I strongly disagree with a veterinary specialist

A recent email response to an article I wrote on paw licking from a veterinary specialist in dermatology made me realize I need to keep sharing what I have learned about neck and collar injuries and paw licking.

Why Older Dogs Stare or Get Stuck in a Corner

Sometimes senior dogs seem to get stuck in a corner, blankly staring at the wall. This behaviour can be a sign of a liver deficiency or other deficiencies and can be easily treated with vitamin and mineral supplements.