Two simple steps to reduce pain and swelling
I got stung this morning while walking my dog and it reminded me to share this bee sting treatment plan with you. It works like a sting (no pun intended) and it's good for dogs and humans too.
Bee or wasp stings
- If you or your dog get stung by a bee or a wasp, treating the area immediately will reduce the pain, stinging and swelling.
- Spray all-natural SkinSpray on pieces of gauze until it is soaking wet.
- Secure the gauze to the affected area with Vetrap or a band-aid and spray more solution on every two to four hours to keep it moist. If you wish, you can change the band-aid every time.
- Keep the bandage on for a minimum of 48 hours! Normally, this approach will keep the swelling down completely. I've tried this several times and learned that removing the bandage after 24 hours makes the stung area swell again. However, applying another compress will make it go down.
- The treatment usually works on its own, however, if you or your dog are very sensitive, we suggest you give a dose of Apis 200 C (homeopathic treatment) every four to six hours for the first 24 hours. This remedy is also VERY GOOD if your pooch gets stung in the mouth.
- If your dog continues to swell or has a severe reaction please see your veterinarian immediately.
Mosquito bites
The process is a little simpler and you don't need to use the bandage. Just spray the affected itchy skin with all-natural SkinSpray every few hours for 24 hours and all should be fine.
If you have any questions, feel free to email us here.