Important tips:
- Get a reliable friend and a reputable house sitter to look after your pets.
- Ask people and get references
- Use boarding kennels as the last resort
- Do not board at a veterinary clinic. Sick and healthy animals do not belong together.
- The latest trends are home like or farm boarding facilities. These may be a good alternative for a social dog but a less social or frightened dog may go through the ringer.
- Look for a quiet, clean and well run “free range” boarding facility as opposed to cages and pens.
- Many dogs get very stressed and spend all day barking and clawing at the door.
- If you are planning your holiday and can travel by car, take Fido along.
- Sheba may prefer staying at home unless you live with the rare cat that likes to travel.
Together, we can make the world a better place for animals.
© Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM