How to reduce side effects and keep your animal friend safe
One of the biggest dilemmas in holistic care is the use of vaccines. Over the years, a variety of different studies have confirmed what we were taught and told by vaccine companies is not true. There have even been some spoofs created that touch on the topic of vaccine production.
Recently, I attended a very serious medical emergency of a person who had diabetes, renal insufficiency and a brain tumor. When the nurse suggested administering a flu vaccine, I had to pinch myself to make sure that I was awake and that I heard correctly.
In reality, this should be considered malpractice because the vaccine labels say clearly that ill animals and people should not be vaccinated. Despite all this, many dogs and cats are still getting vaccinated even when they have serious medical problems or even cancer.
In veterinary medicine, the original recommendation that vaccines must be given yearly has been adjusted even by some conventional organizations, such as the American Veterinary Medical Association. In my practice, I made the decision to recommend minimal vaccines and created alternative immunity protocols that are safe and effective. In my mind, it doesn’t make sense to inject our beloved dogs with mercury and formaldehyde beyond what is necessary because there is no such thing as just a little bit of poison.
When it comes to rabies, only a few countries and islands are lucky to be rabies-free. For the rest of the world, rabies continues to be a threat that is (more or less real) depending on where you live.
The rabies vaccine has been a big dilemma for me because, while it needs to be given in some cases, such as when traveling, I have seen it cause side effects and strange and unusual behavior in some animals. I remember a dog that was absolutely fine and well-adjusted until I gave him a rabies vaccine for import to New Zealand, a rabies-free country. Within a few days, this dog was terrified to come out of the house, feared people, shiny objects and water reflections. If you look up the signs of rabies, these symptoms strongly resemble the disease itself. While there is no conventional explanation for this, homeopaths suggest that substances, such as vaccines, can carry the energetic imprint of the original disease. While vaccines don’t cause the actual disease, they are known to cause symptoms that resemble it.
So, what can you do about rabies vaccines? How can you reduce the side effects and decrease the chances that formaldehyde and mercury will cause serious problems?
6 steps to safer rabies protection:
- Evaluate the risks in your region. For example, in North America, the incidence of rabies is much greater on the east side of the Rocky Mountains. If your local statistics show rabies has been found in local wildlife, it may be safer to vaccinate your dog or cat. All I can say is that no one can make the final decision for you and that indoor cats do not need to be vaccinated.
- Give only one rabies vaccine and measure antibodies from then on. Repeat the vaccine only if the antibodies are absent or very low. Most veterinarians recommend the first-year rabies vaccine for puppies around or before six-months-old and then repeating it in one year. However, what I have seen is that the level of antibodies after one vaccine creates sufficient protection.
- A rabies titer blood test is a way of determining your dog's level of protection. If you live in a rabies prone area, yearly testing is advised. Only a few government-monitored labs around the world that also issue import and export certificates for travel can do the test. These titer level certificates are suitable for many countries however, others still require a rabies vaccine and titer together if you decide to travel.
- As a precaution for any of the possible rabies vaccine side-effects that I mentioned above, I recommend that every dog and cat that receives the rabies vaccine is also given Lyssin 200C, a homeopathic remedy that is able to neutralize the vaccine's side effects. Note: not every homeopathic pharmacy produces remedies under the same quality standards and getting a remedy from a reputable source is important.
- If you live in an area where rabies is a real threat and your dog gets bitten, I suggest that you request the other animal's owner to provide you with the contact of the veterinary clinic where their pet was vaccinated. If that is not possible, you may attempt to get a rabies titer done quickly by sending the sample to the official lab to ensure that the level of antibodies is sufficient. I have not seen any official protocol for using an intra-abdominal rabies antibody injection for dogs, similarly to when people are exposed to an animal with rabies, but I do not see a reason why it would not be possible. The idea of needing to euthanize an exposed dog free of rabies antibodies is a medieval approach to medicine and an alternative approach must be ensured.
It is possible that your veterinarian may not be open to giving a smaller volume of the rabies vaccine. I'd suggest telling them that you are willing to prepay for titer testing a month from the day of vaccination to see if your dog has sufficient antibodies. Contrary to popular belief, I have seen some dogs vaccinated with the whole rabies vaccine dose and their antibodies came back negative. There is always a chance that a dog will not respond to a vaccine, no matter what dose you give. That is why I recommend using the reduced volume of vaccine and testing one month after it is administered.
*While it is highly likely that a reduced vaccine dose will generate the same immune response, vaccinating dogs with reduced dose would be off label use.
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© Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM