Ways of making natural food fit within your budget
Since I started recommending raw food, I have heard many people saying that it is too expensive and that they can’t afford to feed their dog wholesome food. While on the surface this may seem to be true, I can’t help but ask myself the following question:
Do we really value our dogs less than a daily cup of Starbucks coffee, a pair of new shoes, fancy sofa or a large screen TV?
My intention is not to discount the hardships that life sometimes throws at us. However, more often than not, it is the "inner saboteur” that tries to convince us that we are victims of unchangeable circumstance and that there is nothing we can do about it. For example not being able to afford better food for our dogs.
In a way, our dogs seem to have come to face challenges, make changes and live the life we deserve. Perhaps you need to ask for a raise, change a job, kick the coffee or cigarette habit, think of creative and fun ways to make extra money, do a home inventory and sell what we do not need, buy a less expensive car or keep our cars longer, buy a smaller TV, get it second hand or ditch it completely.
Dogs came to us and tell us what really matters in life, and the ideas above are just some on how you can make natural and raw food fit in your budget.
Click below to watch Why a Raw Food Diet for Dogs is the best Food Choice!
With gratitude,