Why mobility is the no.1 cause of losing our dogs and what we can do about it
It is not an understatement to say that when it comes to dogs, good mobility equals longevity. If you have lost a dog before or live with a senior dog, you know very well what I mean.
When my first dog, Skai, got older, I was able to keep him mobile until the very last month of his life and I would love to share how I did that with you. My clients and dog lovers tell me that the worst part of seeing our dogs decline is not knowing what to do, which makes sense. Worrying about our dog's health is draining but we can feel better by being prepared with a plan, rather than helplessly watch our dogs decline.
Recently, I did a live broadcast on Mobility and Arthritis which contains information on how to help aging dogs naturally without side-effect causing drugs and chemicals. These conventional meds called NSAIDS cause stomach ulcers, liver and kidney disease, and negatively impact healing. Sometimes, steroid injections are also used which only cover up the problem for a short while, meanwhile, the destruction goes on, along with hormonal disruption and faster aging.
If you are interested in more details on what exactly is in the broadcast, here is a breakdown:
0:45 Why mobility equals longevity
2:10 How to achieve optimal joint and muscle function
10:15 Injury prevention
16:00 How to spot if your dog is injured or in pain
17:30 What is the right amount of proper exercise
21:00 How to find the right allies and therapists
26:30 Why detoxing the body is important and how to test for toxins
32:18 What to do about pain and inflammation
37:10 Why drugs such as NSAIDs make mobility worse
40:04 Kibble versus a whole-food raw or cooked diet comparison
45:00 Why a good diet isn’t enough due to soil depletion
47:42 Why essential nutrients are important for your dog's mobility
58:45 What are the most important joint-specific herbs and nutrients
1:03:15 Is CBD worth the price and does it work well for dogs?
The info in the video below is not only for senior and ageing dogs but it is also good for younger dogs to avoid mistakes that lead to injuries, decreased mobility, and a shortened lifespan. I hope you will not miss this opportunity to help your dog when it’s time. Enjoy!
A Notice to the community: We have now launched the worlds first fermented, whole food based mobility, arthritis and joint support for dogs! If you'd like to learn more about JointButter click here.
Arthritis in dogs: Mobility for our ageing, senior dogs