Meet Pax, our new puppy!
I am so happy to let you know that last weekend, my partner, my niece and I met our new puppy!
He was born on May 27th, (I am born on Jan 27th ;-) and we found him through the joint efforts of, you, our community, right here in a small village near Prague!
Seriously, I have not been this excited since I went to pick up little Skai 18 years ago! 🐶💕🎉🤩.
First, I would like to congratulate Diane for being the only person who guessed the name right in the Guess the Name contest! We had several names on the table, such as Senn, Enyo, Dio, Echo, Rio, and Bruno but none of them felt completely right.
The Story of the Name Pax
Yes, PAX is our puppy's new name.
One day, I was riding a ski lift and there was a sticker on it with the word Pax and I took to it immediately. Then, our friend's daughter brought a colouring book to our house when visiting, and the first page said: "Hi, I am Pax and ..." I am not sure if you love "messages from out there" but when we went to visit Pax the first time and his canine uncle's name was also Pax, we could not believe it. What are the chances?!
So, Pax, it is. Also, #PeterandPax sound like two mischievous cartoon characters and I already know that there will be many adventures and escapades to share!
See the very first PAX VIDEO below!
Thank you again for all your emails and congratulations! Your enthusiasm and support means a lot to me! I finally feel the sadness of missing Skai lifting and I also feel he is with us on the soul level. Isn't it wild how much we love our dogs?!