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Dr. Dobias’ 8 healthy food toppers for your dog!

Boost your dog's bowl with the incredible benefits of ingredients like coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds, and raw broccoli. This article explores how FeelGood Omega, shiitake mushrooms, turmeric, parsley, and ripe papaya can support heart health, immunity, and digestion.

What is the mystery dog illness? Update on CIRD in dogs

As Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease (CIRD) continues to impact dogs across the US and Canada, veterinarians and researchers are working tirelessly to find out what has caused this unusual outbreak and how to tackle it. But what is this mystery dog illness? Dive into our blog to get a better understanding...

How to Treat Acute or Bloody Dog Diarrhea Naturally: 7 Steps

This blog is a must to read for everyone who has a dog. It is first aid for diarrhea and bloody stool in dogs. Learn how to recognize whether your dog's condition is serious, why you should stay away from conventional remedies and 8 steps you can take to stop your dog's diarrhea. 

Can dogs eat strawberries?

  Discover if dogs can eat strawberries and how to add this nutritious fruit snack to your best friend’s diet. This short guide includes the health benefits of strawberries, vet-approved recommendations on how to feed them to your dog and a couple of homemade strawberry treat ideas for you to...

Can dogs eat tomatoes?

Explore a potentially misunderstood aspect of canine nutrition and uncover if tomatoes are safe for dogs to eat. 

Best Bones for Dogs: Complete Vet-Approved Guide for Pet Parents

Dive into the world of raw bone feeding for dogs with our comprehensive guide, designed to help you navigate the benefits, risks, and best practices of this natural approach to canine dental care and nutrition. Uncover the secrets of choosing the best bones for dogs, avoiding potential hazards, and promoting...

Why do dogs fart? Tips for managing digestive issues in canines

Dogs may be man's best friend, but their flatulence can often clear a room. Excessive gas production in dogs is usually caused by incomplete or inefficient digestion, an inappropriate diet, and heavily-processed kibble. In this article, we will explore why some dog breeds have weaker digestion, the importance of bacterial...

The ultimate guide to safe and nutritious fruits for dogs

Can dogs eat bananas, apples, strawberries and other fruit? What about grapes? Find out what fruits are safe, toxic, and healthy for dogs. Learn about the potential health benefits and risks of feeding fruit to your canine companion, and get tips on the ideal time to feed it.

No more guessing about your dog’s diet

Now there is no need to guess if there is something missing in your dogs diet.  The HairQ Test is a highly accurate test for mineral deficiencies, toxins and heavy metals in dogs to finely tune your dog’s diet and supplement schedule.

Is fish oil good for dogs?

Should you feed dogs fish or fish oils? Find out what our HairQ test results have shown and follow my 5 practical steps to a time tested liver cleanse.

What Is the Correct Ratio of Calcium and Phosphorus for Dogs?

Whether you feed your dog a raw diet, or kibble, you'll want to read this important piece on how to ensure that your dog is getting all the essential nutrients they need and in the correct ratio without needing a PhD in nutrition. The principles in this article apply to...

What is the best time to feed your dog or puppy, and how many times per day?

An area that many dog parents have questions about is how often they should be feeding their pup, and what time of the day is best for feeding. This article will touch upon all the aspects of feeding, the physiological, the emotional, and the practical. I will also address the...

What veggies are good for dogs?

  Wondering what veggies to feed?  Are you confused what veggies are safe to feed and which ones to avoid? This article contains all the essential information.

Why dogs lick their paws - Natural approach to treatment

Many dogs lick their paws and many of them are misdiagnosed and treated for the wrong problem. Learn what you can do for your dogs and treat him naturally.  All you need is to open your mind to the suggestions in this blog, try them and see...

Diabetes in Dogs - Treatment and Prevention - Holistic Approach

Diabetes is one of the most frustrating diseases vets see, and it is so easy to prevent in many dogs. Diabetes happens almost exclusively in dogs on kibble, and this article explains the biology behind it. If you feed your dog a raw or cooked diet, you are very likely...

7 minerals that will make a huge difference in your dog's life

It’s hard to believe that I didn’t really like chemistry in high school. Now, I find it fascinating, because I can see how chemistry and minerals can make our dogs’ bodies, and our own, function optimally. There is something so mighty and powerful in giving the body minerals: They power...

Is spirulina good for dogs?

Here are 10 reasons why dark-green algae should be in every dog's diet.

Why dog poop bags are a serious problem

 I’m about to make a confession that may shock you: I don’t always pick up Pax’s poop! While I’d never leave dog poop on a stranger’s lawn, I will leave it in the grass or forest, with good reason. Read on to learn why so-called eco-friendly dog poop bags...

All-natural homemade dog treat recipe

Your dog will LOOOVE these and Pax does too! Check out this healthy natural dehydrated dog treat recipe. 

4 steps that prevent 80% of your dog's health problems

Do you know why I love what I do? I’ve found my passion in life helping thousands of dog lovers every year learn the four steps to creating a healthy life for their dogs: feeding our dogs natural food, providing our dogs with essential supplements, putting our dogs through a...

An incredible story of survival that may inspire you

If you’re feeling down or find yourself in a difficult situation, read how a raw bone for dogs, an army of ants and a washing machine inspired me to contemplate human resilience and why just a little bit of stress can actually do us good.

How to survive and thrive in 2021 and how your dog can help

Here are the tricks I am using to stay happy and positive in this world gone bonkers. I hope they will help you and your dog too!

Parsley for dogs: Benefits & more

What has more vitamin C than citrus? I want to take a moment to highlight an especially potent herb that can be very beneficial to your dog’s health and that is parsley.

A serious problem in dogs that is often ignored

Daily, I see dogs, pulling and choking on the leash attached to either a choke chain, martingale, prong or even a shock collar. Here are some important tips on how to prevent your dog from suffering from collar-related injuries. 

Do we subconsciously sabotage our dog's health?

We all want our dogs to live happy long lives, but do we always make the right choices when it comes to their health? Does it all come down to a matter of good or bad luck?

Why I love being an "undercover agent"

Here is why I love being “an undercover agent” and why failures can lead to success in health and in life. All you need is a little courage, persistence, and an open mind. 

You and your dog can share this healthy treat

In our home, all the food we give to Pax is food we can eat as well. He loves this recipe and I am sure your dog will too. Give it a try!

One part of life that people are better off than dogs

Everyone has their own perspective on things and their own world view, and this helps determine the choices we make each day. Read on to find out what this has to do with your dog's health. 

Is your dog's health in your hands?

A fun and informative interview with my friend and Austrian colleague, Dr. Eva Furnschuss. Watch the video of our conversation for valuable insights into the energetics of disease, and how your decisions and treatment choices can greatly influence outcome.

12 rules for safe dog treats: Fish, liver treats & more

As a vet, I often ask my clients about treats, but only recently I realized that treats can be a serious problem when it comes to your dog’s health.

How much food to feed your dog

Learn a few simple principles to ensure that your dog gets the right amount of food.

Why do dogs have bad breath?

The secret to getting rid of smelly dog breath. How health and halitosis are connected and 5 ways you can improve your dog’s breath.

Why to feed raw dog food – The magic school bus through the digestive tract

I have always loved the cleverness of the “Magic School Bus” – one of the most ingenious educational programs to date. Today, I would like to invite you on a journey through the digestive tract of two very different groups; herbivores and carnivores to see why nature, unlike processed food junk...

How to Make Homemade Dehydrated Dog Food

A Healthy Way to Travel With Dogs Today I am writing on a train with sweet little Pax at my feet, snoozing away after running a few errands in Prague. Perhaps you are wondering why I am not taking the North American approach of driving; taking trains in Europe is...

3 things that can seriously harm your dog

Click here to read the story of a two legged dog on two wheels; why tennis balls are dangerous for dogs; how ball chucking tools cause many injuries; why prong collars are dangerous; and why kibble is the food that creates disease.

Why Do Dogs Get Bladder and Kidney Stones and How to Treat Them Naturally

If you are you wondering why I decided to write about stones, I have two reasons. One, urinary, kidney and bladder stones are one of the most common problems found in dogs.   

A candid conversation with two amazing dog parents

Do you believe in some sort of mysterious force that sometimes puts you in the right place at the right time? In early spring, I connected with two very like-minded people, Victoria and JC, who live with three beautiful huskies, Tidus, Yuna, and Kimahri, otherwise known as the Husky Squad. We...

Diarrhea in dogs & raw food diets | Interview with Dr. Judy Morgan

Our digestive system is part of a much larger picture than just processing food and nutrients. In fact, 80% of the immune system function resides in the gut. This means that your dog’s digestion and the food you feed is directly related to his or her disease and cancer resilience,...

The dogs of Europe having fun! Beautiful dog souls To meet

This morning, I was wide awake at 5 A.M. which was the right time for venturing out in the sleepy streets of Prague. The light was perfect, and I really enjoyed the mystery of not knowing what was to come. Observing the canvas of life through the camera lens is...

10 essential questions you should ask

The reality is that unless you make food yourself or it is made of whole pet food by a company you trust, your dog’s food will continue to be “mystery food”.  Sadly, not every company can be trusted and it requires experience and skill to recognize the good ones from the...

Holistic approach to treatment of reverse sneezing in dogs

Learn what causes of reverse sneezing veterinarians commonly overlook and how you can help treat or prevent this troubling condition in your dog.

Does your dog suffer from monkey love?

How many times a day should you feed your dog? Here's why dogs should eat one to two healthy meals per day and fast once per week.

10 steps to choosing the right healthy treats for your dog

How to avoid the treat trap. 10 ways to choose healthy treats your dog will love.

Addison’s disease - Natural treatment + prevention

A complete guide for a holistic approach to treatment and prevention of this serious life-threatening disease. Essential info for you and other dog lovers.                   

One myth that can rob you of precious time with your senior dog

Why is feeding a high protein diet vs. a low protein diet much more beneficial to your dogs health?

Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt and What You Can Do About It

Is dirt-eating in dogs a sign of indigestion, toxicity or boredom? Do you often wonder if there is something missing in your dog's diet? Find my 6-step holistic program to stop dogs from eating dirt.

5 Things You Need to Know About Bone Feeding and Dogs

We get a lot of questions about feeding dogs bones and bone meal. So I’m making no bones about it and answering the most frequently asked questions about how to make sure your dog is getting the best nutrition from bones, including calcium and magnesium.

A complete guide to raising a puppy naturally

A natural approach to feeding, supplements, vaccination and procedures.