I can’t help it but start this newsletter with WOW…. It feels very surreal to have been writing this newsletter for you in the middle of the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania where my two sisters and I took our 80 year old mother to experience one of the most amazing places on this planet. My finger is sore from pressing the shutter... :-)
1. Why Africa with my 80 year old mother and my sisters?
In the past decade, my family lost many loved ones - my father, my brother and my sister lost her husband. They all died of cancer. We have also lost two cats Mina and Marmalade and my sweet “step dog” Bodhi.
As life progresses, we learn how important it is to spend time with our family, along with human and animal friends because time is limited.
2. How does travel connect with dogs and holistic healing?
I love dogs and helping their people to transition from conventional medicine to holistic and natural healing. I feel dogs are like the teachers and my work as the vet is about translating and passing on the message of healing that is connected with nature.
This process also helps people learn about their health which reduces the burden on the healthcare system. Did you know that most developed countries spend more than fifty percent of their budgets on healthcare?
In other words, if we are healthier, our society can put more resources into holistic medicine research, solving the issues of poverty, environmental issues and animal suffering.
3. Nature is the greatest wealth
There is evidence that people who are happier and healthier have a greater capacity to appreciate and protect nature.
Most people who travel, me included, feel a little guilty about flying but at the same time, traveling helps us connect with nature and the animals and create a positive change when it comes to its preservation and protection.
4. Serengeti and Ngoro Ngoro Crater

Serengeti and Ngoro Ngoro Crater is beyond the wildest imagination. We have seen thousands of animals in abundance - giraffes, hippos, elephants, antelopes, zebras, pigs, ostriches, and birds. As you can see, we have also seen a rhino that is almost extinct thanks to greed and superstition. The main market for poached rhino horns is China. One more reason why we do not to source any ingredients for our supplements from this country...
I have expected the natural documentary kind of drama here in the bush but found a slow moving pace and peaceful coexistence of the animals while playing an important role in the ecosystem and food chain.
Seeing the beauty is breathtaking and being a human is humbling because it seems the only “bad apple” in the ecosystem of this planet.
5. Being lucky should come with more responsibility
Life has not always been easy for me. In fact starting Dr. Dobias Natural Healing six years ago was the toughest thing I have ever done. The mission would not be possible without people like you who trust of our all natural supplements and invested in the company.
It took six years of twelve hour days, seven days a week to develop new healing methods, formulating supplements and recovering from the costly mistakes that we have made. We are not done but based on your emails and product reviews, I feel like we are going in the right direction.
I am sure you know people who like to complain about their lives but they seem to throw away well meant advice. It seems that they waste their precious life on the couch in front of a TV or post nasty comments on other peoples Facebook and blogs but it know longer bothers me because I know you are different.
Good life comes in many forms and I do not feel guilty about doing what I love to do.
However, I do feel responsible to share all I have learned with you and others.
Since I have mentioned that only 1% of our community supports the holistic healing mission by purchasing products many people were surprised that a vast majority of people come to our site for knowledge and information but I do not mind at all.
If you buy our all natural products, thank you for your trust. If you don’t, perhaps you will read the reviews to see how much difference they make for other dogs and perhaps share the info with your friends.
The greatest part is that by loving and helping your dog, you are indirectly making a difference to other dogs and the whole planet.
Stay tuned with more updates.
To see what essentials I give my dog Skai, CLICK HERE.
© Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM