HairQ Test

Nutritional profile for minerals, heavy metals and toxins

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Highly accurate test for mineral deficiencies, toxins and heavy metals in dogs to finely tune your dog’s diet and supplement schedule. 
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A HairQ test can assist you with:

A HairQ test can assist you with:

• finding out what minerals are missing in your dog’s diet
• detecting the levels of harmful heavy metals
• adjusting your dog’s supplement doses
• preventing disease and cancer
• preventing premature aging
• maintaining proper organ and immune system function

PLEASE NOTE: The HairQ test submission kit is now sent out to you digitally. You will NOT be receiving a package in the mail. Your order will be emailed to you shortly after placing it. The test requires a minimum of a tablespoon, or 125mg of hair, to be cut to run the test. Please send the hair sample in a white envelope. We cannot accept hair that has been brushed out or shed, it must be cut close to the skin.

Results examples:

* Please note Boron will appear as N/A as our lab does not test for this mineral.

HairQ Test - Dr. Dobias Natural Healing
HairQ Test - Dr. Dobias Natural Healing

More details

Hair is formed from clusters of matrix cells that make up the follicles. During the growth phase the hair is exposed to the internal metabolic environment such as the circulating blood, lymph and extracellular fluids.

As the hair continues to grow and reaches the surface of the skin, its outer layers harden, locking in the metabolic products accumulated during this period of hair formation. This biological process provides us with a blueprint and lasting record of nutritional metabolic activity that has occurred during this time.

Determining the levels of the elements in the hair is a highly sophisticated analytical technique. When performed to exacting standards and interpreted correctly, it may be used as a screening aid for mineral deficiencies, excesses and/or biochemical imbalances.

A HairQ test provides you with a sensitive indicator of the long-term effects of diet and toxic metal exposure.

The HairQ test results were obtained in a government licensed clinical laboratory adhering to analytical procedures that comply with government protocol.

Elements tested for:

Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Copper, Zinc, Phosphorus, Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Sulfur, Uranium, Arsenic, Beryllium, Mercury, Cadmium, Lead, Aluminum, Germanium, Barium, Lithium, Nickel, Platinum, Vanadium, Strontium, Tin, Tungsten and Zirconium.

Disclaimer: The laboratory test results and the comprehensive report should not  be construed as diagnostic. It is provided only as an additional source of information.

Information About Minerals, Their Sources and Functions


 is an essential mineral for dogs. It supports bone and dental health, muscle, and nerve function and plays a key role in electrolyte and PH regulation to maintain healthy organ cell function.


• Provides bone support and lowers the risk of poor bone integrity
• Helps maintain the acid/alkaline balance in the blood
• Supports muscle health

Food sources

Ideally dogs should not be fed dairy. Other good sources of calcium are meat, bones, eggs and dark leafy greens.


• Back or neck pain
• Bone fractures
• Muscle cramping
• Dry skin and brittle nails
• Bone pain or tenderness
• Osteoporosis
• Stooped spine due to kyphosis (abnormal curving of the spine and humpback)

→ Dr. Dobias recommends GreenMin for low calcium levels.



Your dog’s body contains large amounts of  magnesium. Magnesium is involved in more than 300 chemical reactions and is usually referred to as a “macromineral.”

60 to 65 percent of magnesium is found in bones, 25 percent in muscles and the rest is found in other cell types and body fluids. Like all minerals, magnesium cannot be made in the body, therefore it must be plentiful in our dog’s diet in order for them to remain healthy.

Magnesium has the ability to relax muscles. Proper nerve function and blood pressure regulation also depends on magnesium.


• Relaxes nerves and muscles
• Builds and strengthen bones
• Improves blood circulation

Food sources

Sources of magnesium include swiss chard and spinach, mustard greens, turnip greens, pumpkin seeds, sea vegetables, green beans and collard greens.

There are numerous other good sources of magnesium including salmon, kale and flax seeds.


• Muscle weakness, tremor, or spasm
• Heart arrhythmia, irregular contraction, or increased heart rate
• Softening and weakening of bone
• Imbalanced blood sugar levels
• Elevated blood pressure

If your dog is deficient in this mineral, please read the Q and A section in the “Results” tab of this page.


, also known as table salt, or sodium chloride, is the most common form of dietary sodium and is made up of the elements sodium and chlorine.

In my opinion, the no salt recommendation for dogs was created by the pet food industry. I have found no scientific evidence to confirm their claims and do not see a problem with an occasional reasonably salty meal for your dog.


• Nerve and muscle function
• Fluid and electrolyte balance

Food sources:

• Table salt, meat and fish.


• Cardiovascular disease (stroke, heart failure)
• Kidney disease
• Osteoporosis
• Stomach cancer

Sodium levels are more frequently tested with a blood profile to evaluate hydration and adrenal gland function. If your dog’s sodium is low on a HairQ Test result, it may mean that your dog has a general sodium deficit and we recommend a blood test performed by your veterinarian.


, sodium and chloride comprise the electrolyte family of minerals. About 95 percent of potassium is stored within cells, unlike sodium and chloride, which are predominantly located outside the cell.

Potassium plays an important role in neuromuscular activity, muscle contraction, strength and nerve impulse conduction.


• Supports muscles and nerves function
• Maintains electrolyte and acid-base balance in your dog’s body
• Lowers risk of high blood pressure

Food Sources

Potassium is found in abundance in many foods and is especially easy to obtain from vegetables. Excellent sources of potassium include chard, mustard greens, summer squash, romaine lettuce, turnip greens, asparagus, kale, beets, green beans, papaya and ginger root.


• Hypokalemia (low levels of potassium in the blood serum)
• Muscle cramps and pain
• Weakness
• Cardiovascular abnormalities

Hypokalemia may be caused by decreased potassium intake and excessive vomiting.


• Hyperkalemia (too much potassium in the blood serum)
• Nerve and brain dysfunction
• Cardiovascular abnormalities and cardiac arrest

Addison’s disease, which is caused by adrenal gland insufficiency may cause potentially life-threatening hyperkalemia.

Hyperkalemia may also be caused by increased potassium intake, decreased potassium excretion due to kidney disease and some prescription drugs.

Potassium evaluation is more frequently detected in a blood test. If your dog’s potassium is low or high on HairQ Test results, we suggest you have a blood test done with your regular veterinary care provider.


is a trace mineral that plays an important role in metabolism, largely because it allows many critical enzymes to function properly. Copper is the third most abundant trace mineral in the body and while it is present in every tissue of the body, it is stored primarily in the liver.


• Helps the body utilize iron
• Reduces tissue damage caused by free radicals
• Maintains the health of bones and connective tissues
• Helps produce the pigment called melanin
• Maintains thyroid function
• Preserves the myelin sheath surrounding the nerves

Food Sources

Excellent sources of copper include asparagus, calf’s liver, crimini mushrooms and turnip greens.

Very good sources of copper include chard, spinach, mustard greens, kale and shiitake mushrooms.

Good sources of copper include eggplant, tomatoes, summer squash, winter squash, green peas, romaine lettuce, garlic, green beans, beets, fennel, leeks, sweet potato, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, raspberries, lentils, ginger and black pepper.


• Anemia
• Vascular weakness
• Bone and joint disease
• Elevated LDL cholesterol and reduced HDL cholesterol levels
• Susceptibility to infections
• Hair loss and skin discolouration
• Fatigue and weakness
• Difficulty breathing
• Cardiac arrhythmia
• Skin sores and ulceration


• Appetite loss (anorexia)
• Lethargy
• Fever
• Diarrhea
• Jaundice
• Vomiting
• Weight loss

If your dog is deficient in this mineral, please read the Q and A section in the “Results” tab of this page.


is a trace mineral necessary for the functioning of more than 300 different enzymes and plays a vital role in a large number of biological processes. Within the body, zinc is distributed in the muscle, bone, skin, kidney, liver, pancreas, retina, prostate and particularly in red and white blood cells.


• Regulation of gene expression, protein folding and immunity
• Cofactor for many enzymes that would not be effective without this element.

Food Sources

It is available through foods such as beef and other red meats.


Severe zinc deficiency may still be observed in dogs fed processed food and malnourished dogs and may result in:

• Growth retardation
• Diarrhea
• Alopecia nail
• Nail dystrophy
• Decreased immunity
• Low fertility in males

Mild zinc deficiency may be overlooked since symptoms are not always evident, but it may include:

• Hair loss
• Weight loss
• Lowered senses of taste and smell

If your dog is deficient in this mineral, please read the Q and A section in the “Results” tab of this page.


 is an essential mineral and an important component of proteins. Approximately 15 percent of the body’s iron is stored for future needs and is mobilized when dietary intake is inadequate. Your dog’s body usually maintains normal iron levels by controlling the amount of iron absorbed from food.


• Involved in oxygen transport and metabolism
• Essential in the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin

Food sources

The two forms of dietary iron are heme and nonheme.

Sources of heme iron include meat and fish.

Sources of nonheme iron, which is not absorbed as well as heme iron, include red beans, lentils, flours, cereals and grain products. However, these should not be a common food source for canines. As a result, iron is often found to be deficient in HairQ test results and needs to be supplemented.

Other sources of iron include dried fruit, peas, asparagus, leafy greens, strawberries and nuts.


• Anemia and decreased red blood cell size
• Fatigue
• Poor quality coat
• Shortness of breath and increased heart rate

It appears that iron deficiency is relatively common and many dogs may need extra supplementation.



• Enables the absorption of key nutrients such as biotin, thiamin, ascorbic acid and choline
• Bone health
• Participates in fatty acids and cholesterol metabolism
• Maintains normal blood sugar levels
• Promotes optimal thyroid function
• Contributes to nerve health
• Protects cells from free-radical damage

Food Sources

Excellent food sources of manganese include mustard greens, kale, chard, romaine lettuce, collard greens, spinach, garlic, summer squash and turmeric.


• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Poor glucose tolerance (high blood sugar levels)
• Skin rash
• Loss of hair color
• Excessive bone loss
• Low cholesterol levels
• Dizziness
• Hearing loss
• Reproductive system difficulties

If your dog is deficient in this mineral, please read the Q and A section in the “Results” tab of this page


 is an essential trace element that plays a role in maintaining normal metabolism.  Chromium can be trivalent (naturally found in food) and hexavalent (toxic form as a result of industrial pollution).


• Plays a role in normal blood sugar and insulin production
• Maintains normal cholesterol levels

Food Sources

Although chromium occurs naturally in a wide variety of foods, many foods contain only one or two micrograms (mcg) of chromium per serving. In addition, food processing methods often remove naturally occurring chromium. As a result, obtaining a sufficient amount of chromium in your dog’s diet can be difficult.

A concentrated food source of chromium is brewer’s yeast.


• Hyperinsulinemia (elevated blood levels of insulin)
• High blood pressure
• High blood sugar levels
• Insulin resistance

If your dog is deficient in this mineral, please read the Q and A section in the “Results” tab of this page


The micromineral Selenium is needed in your dog’s diet daily, but only in very small amounts.

Selenium (Se) is an essential trace mineral found in soil, water and some foods. It is a component in the amino acids cysteine and methionine. Selenium functions as an important factor in antioxidant enzymes, helps protect cells from oxidative damage and ensures cell and growth survival.

Unfortunately, many supplements and processed pet foods contain the synthetic version of selenium known as sodium selenite, which can be easily overdosed and cause toxicity.


• Protects cells from free-radical damage
• Enables thyroid to produce thyroid hormone
• Helps lower the risk of joint inflammation

Food Sources

Good sources of selenium include pork, beef, turkey and chicken.


• Weakness or pain in the muscles
• Discolouration of the hair or skin


Selenium excess and toxicity is relatively common in animals that are given synthetic vitamins and mineral supplements with sodium selenite.

If your dog has higher than normal levels of selenium, check your supplement labels and consider switching to natural food based supplements.

If your dog is deficient in this mineral, please read the Q and A section in the “Results” tab of this page.


 is part of cobalamin which most people know as vitamin B12.


• Plays a key role in red blood cell production.
• Your dog requires a small amount of Cobalt to maintain function of the nervous system and metabolic processes.

Food Sources

Good dietary sources of cobalt for dogs include organ meats, beef and eggs.


A deficiency in cobalt is ultimately a deficiency in vitamin B12 and can result in:

• Slow growth rate
• Nerve damage
• Fatigue
• Anemia
• High or low serum iron
• Slow disease recovery
• Digestive disorders
• Poor circulation

It appears cobalt deficiency is relatively common in dogs and it needs to be supplemented separately. If your dog’s iron levels are low, we also recommend a VitaminB12 (Cobalt) Supplement.



• Enzyme cofactor

Food Sources

Molybdenum is found in organ meats. A diet high in processed foods may lead to a molybdenum deficiency.


• Mouth and gum disorders
• Behavioural disturbance
• Coma

Molybdenum deficiency is rare unless the diet contains high amounts of antagonistic substances such as sulfate, copper or tungsten.

If your dog is deficient in this mineral, please read the Q and A section in the “Results” tab of this page.


 is a nonmetallic element that is mainly found as part of larger compounds.

Sulfur is an essential building block of proteins.  It has a characteristic odor that can be smelled when hair or sheep’s wool is burned. Keratin, present in the skin, hair and nails, is particularly high in the amino acid cystine, which is found in sulfur. The sulfur-sulfur bond in keratin gives it greater strength.


• Required for different enzyme reactions and protein synthesis.
• Essential for collagen formation, the protein found in connective tissue.
• Necessary for the maintenance of the skin, hair and nails, helping to give strength, shape and hardness to these protein tissues.
• A component of the amino acids cystine, methionine and taurine.
• Sulphur can be found in chondroitin sulfate, which plays a key role in joint health.
• Supports all cellular activity.
• Plays an important role in bile secretions and detoxification processes.

Food Sources

Sulfur is readily available in protein foods. Meats, fish, eggs and legumes are all good sources of sulfur. Other foods that contain this somewhat smelly mineral are garlic, cabbage, brussel sprouts and turnips. Kale has some, as does lettuce, kelp and other seaweed along with raspberries. Dogs on low-protein diets may not get sufficient amounts of sulfur. The resulting sulfur deficiency is difficult to differentiate clinically from protein deficiency, which is of much greater concern.

Deficiency and Excess

There is minimal reason for concern about either toxicity or deficiency of sulfur in your dog’s body. No clearly defined symptoms exist with either state. Sulfur deficiency is more common when foods are grown in sulfur-depleted soil, with low-protein diets or with a lack of intestinal bacteria, though none of these seems to cause any problems in regard to sulfur functions and metabolism.

If your dog is deficient in this mineral, please read the Q and A section in the “Results” tab of this page


is one of the most abundant minerals in your dog’s body and present in every cell, but mostly found in the bones and teeth.


Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for dogs that is required for cell development and energy storage. It also plays a major role in the use of carbohydrates and fats. The main function of phosphorus is in the formation of bones and teeth but it also helps the body with the following functions:

• Muscle movement
• Synthesizes protein for growth, maintenance and repair of cells and tissues
• Helps to produce ATP (an energy transfer and storage mechanism within the body)
• Heart, kidney and nerve function
• Supports B vitamins

Food Sources

Meat is very high in phosphorus and is also abundant in protein rich foods such as beans, lentils and nuts. Phosphorus is found in smaller amounts in vegetables and fruit.

Deficiency or Excess:

When the amount of phosphorus in your dog’s body is too high or too low in relation to calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium, energy efficiency and production is affected and numerous other body functions are impaired.  Long term imbalances affect bone and dental health.

Toxic elements

Determining, what toxic elements are present in your dog’s body is very important as their higher levels are directly linked to a variety of health conditions, a higher rate of cancer, and a shortened life span.

Here is an example of a toxic element test:

Toxic and Heavy Metal Info


is a hard, dense, malleable, ductile, silver-white, radioactive metal. Uranium metal has a very high density. When finely divided, it can react with cold water. In the air it is coated with uranium oxide, tarnishing rapidly. It is attacked by steam and acids. Uranium can form solids solutions and inter-metallic compounds with many of the metals.


Although uranium is radioactive, it is not particularly rare. It is widely spread throughout the environment and so it is impossible to avoid uranium. Uranium can be found naturally in very small amounts in rocks, soil, air and water.

In the air, the uranium concentrations are very low. Even at higher than usual concentrations in air, there is so little uranium present per cubic meter that less than one atom transfers every day.

In water most of the uranium is derived from rocks and soil that the water runs over. Some of the uranium is suspended, so that the water gets a muddy texture. Only a very small part of uranium in water settles from air. The amount of uranium in drinking water is generally very low.

Risks to dogs include drinking contaminated water, detergents, animal feeds, food additives and prescription drugs. (as a result of mining and processing of phosphate rock into fertilizers)

Uranium is found in soils in varying concentrations that are usually very low so root vegetables such as potatoes, turnips and radishes will contain small amounts of uranium that exit the body fairly quickly in your dog’s stool. (Humans add uranium to the soil through industrial activities.)


Scientists have detected no harmful radiation effects of natural levels of uranium. However, chemical effects may occur after the uptake of large amounts of uranium and these can cause health effects such as kidney disease and bone abnormalities such as cancer.

Long term exposure to uranium radionuclides may increase the probability of cancer. The risk of getting cancer is much higher from exposure to enriched uranium, because it is a more radioactive form. Enriched uranium is released in nuclear power plants.


 appears in three allotropic forms: yellow, black and grey. The stable form is a silver-gray, brittle crystalline solid. It tarnishes rapidly in air and at high temperatures burns, forming a white cloud of arsenic trioxide. Arsenic is a member of group Va of the periodic table, which combines readily with many elements.

The metallic form is brittle, tarnishes and when heated it rapidly oxidizes to arsenic trioxide, which has a garlic odor. The nonmetallic form is less reactive, but will dissolve when heated with strong oxidizing acids and alkalis.


Arsenic can be found naturally on earth in small concentrations. It occurs in soil and minerals and it may enter air, water and land through wind-blown dust and water run-off.

The biggest source of risk to dogs is from diets that include rice (rice absorbs arsenic from the water it is grown in more readily than any other crop) and from contaminated drinking water.


Arsenic is one of the most toxic elements that can be found. Despite its toxic effect, inorganic arsenic bonds occur on earth naturally in small amounts.

Exposure to inorganic arsenic can cause various health effects, such as irritation of the stomach and intestines, decreased production of red and white blood cells, skin changes and lung irritation. It is suggested that the uptake of significant amounts of inorganic arsenic can intensify the chances of cancer development, especially the chances of development of skin cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer and lymphatic cancer.

A very high exposure to inorganic arsenic can cause skin disturbances, declined resistance to infections, heart disruptions and brain damage. Inorganic arsenic can also damage DNA.

One hundred mg of arsenic oxide is generally considered a lethal dose.


 is a toxic bivalent element, steel-gray, strong, lightweight and primarily used as a hardening agent in alloys. Beryllium has one of the highest melting points of the light metals. It has excellent thermal conductivity, is nonmagnetic, it resists attack by concentrated nitric acid and at standard temperature and pressures beryllium resist oxidation when exposed to air.


The beryllium content of Earth’s crust is 2.6 ppm, in soil 6 ppm. Beryllium in soil can pass into plants, provided it is in a soluble form. Typical levels in plants vary between one and 40 ppb, too low to affect animals that eat these plants.

Beryllium is found in 30 different minerals, the most important of which are bertrandite, beryl, chrysoberyl and phenacite. Precious forms of beryl are aquamarine and emerald.

Although beryllium occurs in nature, the major source of its emission into the environment is through the burning of fossil fuels (primarily coal), which releases beryllium-containing particulates and ash into the atmosphere.


The most commonly known effect of beryllium is called berylliosis, a dangerous and persistent lung disorder that can also damage other organs, such as the heart. Beryllium can also cause lung cancer and increase the chances of other cancer development and DNA damage.


Mercury is the only common metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures. Mercury is sometimes called quicksilver. It is a heavy, silvery-white liquid metal.

It alloys easily with many metals, such as gold, silver, and tin. These alloys are called amalgams.


Mercury occurs uncombined in nature to a limited extent. It rarely occurs free in nature and is found mainly in cinnabar ore (HgS) in Spain, Russia, Italy, China and Slovenia.

Mercury enters the environment as a result of the normal breakdown of minerals in rocks and soil through exposure to wind and water.

Mercury source risks for your dog include a fish based diet, Omega oils made with fish, vaccinations, some prescription medications and environmental contamination.


Mercury has a number of effects on humans that can all be simplified into the following:

• Disruption of the nervous system and brain function
• DNA damage and chromosomal damage
• Allergic reactions, resulting in skin rashes, tiredness and headaches
• Negative reproductive effects, such as sperm damage, birth defects and miscarriages


 is a lustrous, silver-white, ductile, very malleable metal. Its surface has a bluish tinge and the metal is soft enough to be cut with a knife, but it tarnishes in air. It is soluble in acids, but not in alkalis. It is similar in many respects to zinc but it forms more complex compounds.


Cadmium can mainly be found in the Earth’s crust. It always occurs in combination with zinc. Cadmium is an inevitable byproduct of zinc, lead and copper extraction. After being applied, it enters the environment mainly through the ground because it is found in manures and pesticides.

Naturally a very large amount of cadmium is released into the environment, about 25,000 tons a year. About half of this cadmium is released into rivers through weathering of rocks and some cadmium is released into the air through forest fires and volcanoes. The rest of the cadmium is released through human activities, such as manufacturing.


Uptake of cadmium takes place mainly through food. Foodstuffs that are rich in cadmium can greatly increase the cadmium concentration in the body. Examples are liver, mushrooms, shellfish, mussels, and dried seaweed. (Cocoa powder, which is toxic for dogs is high in cadmium)

Dogs that are subjected to second hand smoke are also exposed to significantly higher cadmium levels.

Some health effects that can be caused by cadmium are:

• Diarrhea, stomach pains and severe vomiting
• Bone fracture
• Reproductive failure and possibly even infertility
• Damage to the central nervous system
• Damage to the immune system
• Psychological disorders
• Possibly DNA damage or cancer development


 is a bluish-white lustrous metal. It is very soft, highly malleable, ductile and a relatively poor conductor of electricity. It is very resistant to corrosion, but tarnishes when exposed to air. Lead isotopes are the end product of each of the three series of naturally occurring radioactive elements.


Native lead is rare in nature. Lead is usually found in ore with zinc, silver and copper and it is extracted together with these metals.

Lead occurs naturally in the environment. However, most lead concentrations found in the environment are a result of human activities. Due to the application of lead in gasoline, an unnatural lead-cycle has occurred. When lead was burned in car engines it created lead salts (chlorines, bromines, oxides).

Risk of exposure to your dog include soil contamination, toys, gasoline exhaust, food packaging and glazing on ceramic food and water dishes.


Lead can cause several unwanted effects, such as:

• Disruption of the biosynthesis of hemoglobin and anemia
• A rise in blood pressure
• Kidney damage
• Miscarriages
• Disruption of nervous systems
• Brain damage
• Declined fertility through sperm damage
• Diminished learning abilities
• Behavioral problems, such as aggression, impulsive behavior and hyperactivity

Lead can enter a fetus through the placenta of the mother and can cause serious damage to the nervous system and the brain.


 is a soft and lightweight metal. It has a dull silvery appearance because of a thin layer of oxidation that forms quickly when it is exposed to air. Aluminum is nontoxic as a metal, nonmagnetic and non-sparking.

Aluminum has only one naturally occurring isotope, aluminium-27, which is not radioactive.


Aluminum is believed to make up 7.5 percent to 8.1 percent of the Earth’s crust. Aluminum is very rare in its free form.

Aluminum is a reactive metal and it is hard to extract it from ore and aluminum oxide (Al2O3). Aluminum is among the most difficult metals on earth to refine.

Sources of risk for your dog include canned food, vaccines, processed cheese, dairy products, potatoes and spinach (soil contamination) drinking water, colloidal mineral supplements and cooking your dogs food in aluminum cookware or in foil.


Aluminum uptake can take place through food, breathing and by skin contact. Long lasting uptakes of significant concentrations of aluminum can lead to serious health effects, such as:

• Damage to the central nervous system
• Dementia
• Listlessness
• Severe trembling

Cooking your dog’s meal with aluminum dishes or foil is not recommended.

Practical Tips and Q&A about HairQ Test Results

Emailing Questions and Consultation with Dr. Dobias

Please note, that due to the high interest in the HairQ test, Dr. Dobias is unable to provide email or phone consultations.

For general inquiries about HairQ test, email us here.

A HairQ test provides you with valuable information on your dog’s nutritional status to help create healthier and longer lives for your animal friends. It is not designed to diagnose any medical conditions or illnesses. If you suspect your dog is sick, please see your veterinarian. 

The results can be used for the purpose of disease prevention or optimizing your dog’s nutrition during disease treatment. It will give you a very good idea if you need to need to change your dog’s diet, increase or reduce certain supplements or search for the source of excess.

Here Are Some Interesting Result Examples:

Example 1

Patient on GreenMin (natural mineral supplement)

* Please note while the graph example above displays Boron, the lab no longer tests for this mineral.

Example 2

These results are from a patient that was getting a synthetic vitamin and mineral supplement. As you can see the only mineral that absorbed was Selenium and it was in excess, other minerals didn’t absorb.

* Please note while the graph example above displays Boron, the lab no longer tests for this mineral.

Practical Suggestions


In general, we recommend a natural, cooked or raw diet for your dog. However, the ultimate decision is yours. We hope that a HairQ test will be a useful tool to see if you dog’s diet is or is not deficient.




• Ensure that supplements are given regularly and the correct dose has been measured
• If the above is not a problem, increase GreenMin dose by 50 percent. Different dogs may have a varied ability to absorb nutrients and require higher supplement doses


Please note that the HairQ test price includes the test only, Dr. Dobias does not offer consultations on the results of your test.


It appears that iron deficiency is relatively common and this mineral may need extra supplementation.  If your dogs iron levels are low, we recommend a bioavailable iron supplement. 

For more info on iron, read the iron paragraph in the “Mineral tab” on this page.


It appears that Cobalt deficiency is relatively common in dogs and it needs to be supplemented separately. If your dogs iron levels are low, we recommend a VitaminB12 + Cobalt  Supplement.

For more info on iron, read the iron paragraph in the “Mineral tab” on this page


High minerals, in general, are very uncommon. If you have received HairQ test results and some of the elements appear to be too high click on the tab “Minerals tab” or “Heavy Metals tab”  to get more information about each mineral and their sources. It is our opinion that synthetically made supplements and additives appear to create excess more frequently. If you see a general excess of minerals, we recommend you switch to a natural mineral supplement. If you are already giving such supplement, reduce the dose by 50 percent and retest with HairQ in four months.


High individual minerals can sometimes appear if your dog is exposed to sources that are high in a particular element.

Here are some examples:

Zinc – Zinc based sunscreen

Boron – using Borax for cleaning or laundry (please note while the graph example above displays Boron, the lab no longer tests for this mineral)

If your dog appears to be high in a certain mineral and you need more information, please click on the “Mineral tab” on this page and refer to a mineral of your interest.

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What is the best shampoo to use before cutting a hair sample and do I need to wash my dog before cutting a hair sample?

The lab thoroughly washes all hair samples that come in for canine testing.
There is no need to wash your dog before cutting the hair sample. If you use a medicated shampoo, be aware some shampoos have elements that can be absorbed into the hair follicle and may appear at a high level without being present in the body. Some shampoos contain zinc for instance.

How do you test my dog's hair when the test is sent digitally?

The instruction kit and submission form are sent out digitally for you to fill out and send back to us with your dog’s hair sample, which the lab will test..

How long does it take to get results after I send in the test with the sample?

Results can be expected within four to eight weeks.

Will the test tell me why my dog likes or dislikes certain foods or has a certain medical condition?

The test results will show the deficiencies and toxicities in your dog. HairQ Test results are for additional information only. They are not indicative of any medical problems but can help lead you in the right direction for seeking diagnostic testing if your dog is experiencing any symptoms that are unexplained.

What is the earliest I can get my dog's hair tested

Between six to 12 months will give a good benchmark of the minerals and heavy metals in your dog’s body. Tests can be run on younger dogs, however, when testing puppies under six months the results reflect what the mother has passed on.

I switched my dog to raw food and supplements two months ago. Should I wait to do the HairQ test?

The HairQ Test measures your dog’s metabolic snapshot from four to six months before the hair is cut when it is being formed inside the body. It takes a few months before you will see the difference in your dog’s test results from implementing a raw food diet and supplements. We recommend doing the test now and then doing it again about six months later to see the effects and benefits.

Can I collect shed hair rather than cutting a sample?

No, you can’t collect shed hair. The hair has to be cut to get an accurate sample of what’s going on metabolically in your dog. The equipment used for the test is extremely delicate and hair that has the root attached will plug the machine. For this reason, any hair that is not cut is discarded and will not be processed.

Approximately one full tablespoon or 125mg by weight of cut hair is required for the testing.

How do I send in my sample?

We recommend sending your sample to us using the least expensive option through your local post office that includes tracking. Because the results are not time-sensitive, there is no need to use express shipping options or signature required options.

The samples will be sent to a PO Box address meaning all samples must be sent by the postal service. Samples sent by courier will be returned to the customer at the shipper’s expense, as we do not have a physical location for courier deliveries.

We will send you out a confirmation email when we receive the sample so you know that it has arrived and will start processing.

If you are sending your sample from outside of CANADA, you must use a customs value of ZERO ($0.00) on your shipment to avoid having the sample returned to you.

How do I read the results? Is a consultation included?

Although a consultation is not included, a supporting document with a general outline of the most common toxins and mineral deficiencies is provided along with the test results. Information on the HairQ product page may be useful and we recommend doing some research online about your unique test results.