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What do sharks have to do with fleas and your dog?

Find out how one little frog is causing big problem in Maui and what you can do to stop man-made problems from getting worse. Here's a hint - it's by loving and caring for your dog!

What puppy shots and COVID-19 quarantine rules have in common

These days all of us just want to be safe and stay healthy but at what cost? Read what puppy shots and pandemic rules have in common and why I have little tolerance for medical BS. 

Safer vaccination protocol in adult dogs and puppies

One may think that vaccines or 'shots,' as many people call them, should be the first step when they get a new dog or puppy. However, it is not that simple. Vaccines contain dangerous carcinogens and disease-causing chemicals such as mercury and formaldehyde and they have the ability to cause symptoms similar to the...

Natural approach to treatment and prevention of tick paralysis in dogs

A single tick can render your dog helpless with one bite. Tick paralysis is scary but can be easily treated. Learn how to recognize, treat and prevent tick-borne illnesses, like tick paralysis, naturally.

10 wild and crazy facts about fleas and dogs

No one wants to find fleas on their dog, but fleas actually have some amazing qualities and are one of nature's greatest design. Read on to find out 10 amazing facts about fleas, including how they can outperform even the most elite human athletes.

Where to find help for your dog when you need it

Here is a quick review of where you can find help for your dog when  you need it. The top resources for all your dog's health issues and needs are all in one place.

How to harness the power of our addictive genes

Are you addicted to taking pictures of your dog like I am? Nature is never wrong, and it appears it has not been wrong in giving the “addictive” genes a green light in the course of evolution. In fact, the success of our species has been greatly influenced by what I call ‘the...

Synthetic vs. fermented vitamins: Which are better?

No one would try to eat plastic fruit, yet, many people still buy synthetic vitamins for dogs. Watch this video to learn why I love fermented vitamins and why they are the answer to deficiencies that make our dogs sick.

Finances behind the processed pet food industry

Often, I take a stance against kibble and pet food companies, but today, I would like to look at the current situation from a neutral observer’s point of view, and this newsletter explains in detail why.

How to help others without being a pain in the....

The best way to help others is to teach them how to help themselves. Here are some key resources to help you learn how to keep your dog healthy and happy. 

Pax's first birthday!

Can you believe it!? Pax is one year old! It was a year ago today when Pax, a very special soul in my life, was born! He came into the world with the almost impossible task of filling Skai’s shoes, and all I can say is that he has exceeded...

Truth and lies

I have a dream of a world where when someone is asked a question, they give an honest, truthful answer. Imagine politics, healthcare, friendships and relationships! They would be completely transformed.🤓❤️🌏

Goodbye plastic hello eco-sleeves!

Eco-sleeves are here! I have previously mentioned that we would soon be launching eco-sleeves to eliminate plastic bubble-wrap from our product shipments and THE DAY HAS COME! Watch this video to learn more about this eco-friendly shipping solution. 

Why I don't like the word 'stupid'

I prefer to think that in most cases people are unaware, rather than stupid. When it comes to dog health, you may be unaware of many easy and natural steps you can take to help your dog live a happier longer life. Read on to learn more about many commonly unknown...

Unsure what to think about all this?

When I lack clarity in finding solution to a medical problem, I know I need to gain a better understanding, and the coronavirus topic is certainly unclear. If you are like most people, myself included, you are trying to grasp the shocking changes our world has gone through in the past...

What do dinosaurs have to do with COVID-19?

Normally, I would thank you for looking after your dogs, but this time, please hug your dogs for me and thank them for looking after you. This crisis is far from over and we all have our own challenges. There are many ways to respond to a crisis, be it natural or...

Some good news for a change!

Do your best not to fall into the spiral of hopeless thoughts. We may not always be successful, but it is always worth trying. The biggest growth happens during challenging times and crisis. To keep your spirits up, I have recorded a video with a recipe for A HEALTHY TREAT...

What seems unnatural about COVID-19 (SARS CoV-2)?

While conducting some online research on SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19), I came across a video interview with Dr. Pekova, a Czech medical doctor, molecular biologist, and geneticist with an extensive research portfolio.

How dogs are helping during the COVID-19 crisis

I wake up every morning thinking this was all just a bad dream. The presence of dogs is even more important than before, they cheer us up and keep us company. Many seniors are now solely dependant upon the companionship of dogs, because they have to live in self-isolation. It is no...

Can feeding a raw diet prevent fleas?

Conventional flea products are known for serious side effects, such as seizures. Sadly, with almost every chemically based product, there are reports of fatalities. This is one reason why so many dog lovers look for safer natural alternatives, and why I often get this question: "Can feeding a raw, natural diet...

Eight steps to choosing a safe flea product for your dog

You get what you pay for doesn't apply when you are looking for flea products. Don't buy another flea treatment until you read this article!

Ear cropping can affect dogs' health and longevity

Are you thinking about cropping your dog's ears? Read this first to learn why ear cropping and tail docking are bad for dogs' health.

9 step program to reduce your dog’s excessive panting

Panting in senior dogs is not just about being too hot. There are many reasons why older dogs pant. Here are 9 simple solutions how you can help.

Stomach bloat – Gastric dilation volvulus in dogs – Holistic approach

5 steps to protect your dog from this serious, life-threatening condition and what you need to know about diet, exercise and your dog’s spine to prevent it.

A complete guide to natural ear care for dogs

If your dog has a hairy ear canal, has had ear problems in general, such as moist, inflamed, yeasty or infected ears, or if you are just looking to prevent ear problems, this article is for you.

Why to feed raw dog food – The magic school bus through the digestive tract

I have always loved the cleverness of the “Magic School Bus” – one of the most ingenious educational programs to date. Today, I would like to invite you on a journey through the digestive tract of two very different groups; herbivores and carnivores to see why nature, unlike processed food junk...

26 tips to keep your dog safe over the holidays

A playful parody on holiday safety for dogs, highlighting what not to do. Dr. Peter Dobias humorously emphasizes the importance of avoiding toxic foods, hazards, and poor choices during the festive season to ensure a joyful and emergency-free holiday with our furry companions.

Beware of giving your dog too much of this popular liver treat

Learn why this popular treat is harmless in small doses but dangerous when it is given frequently or in large amounts. Find out more about vitamin A hypervitaminosis, so-called liver poisoning in dogs.

How to make homemade dehydrated dog food

A healthy way to travel with dogs Today I am writing on a train with sweet little Pax at my feet, snoozing away after running a few errands in Prague. Perhaps you are wondering why I am not taking the North American approach of driving; taking trains in Europe is...

Tainted pet treats from China – How to keep your pet safe

Learn more about tainted pet treats, what to do if you suspect your dog has had a tainted pet treat, and how to keep your pet safe.

One of the most common mistakes people make when exercising their dogs

It hurts to see dogs get hurt. That is why I find it difficult to visit the dog park. You often see dogs being overworked and sustaining injuries that can bother them the rest of their lives. Find out nine ways to keep your dog happy and healthy with exercise...

What is BPA and why is it dangerous for your dog?

Here are 7 steps you can use to keep this toxic chemical out of your dog’s food and water.

3 things that can seriously harm your dog

Click here to read the story of a two legged dog on two wheels; why tennis balls are dangerous for dogs; how ball chucking tools cause many injuries; why prong collars are dangerous; and why kibble is the food that creates disease.

Dangers to be aware of if your dog loves ball play

Many people do not see any difference between tennis balls and other balls, but there are definitely some important differences.

5 toxic chemicals in dog toys and food packaging you must protect your dog from

There are many toxic chemicals in the environment and some of them can seriously affect the health of your dog. Learn how to protect your dog from these toxins and what you can do about reducing exposure.

Why do dogs get bladder and kidney stones and how to treat them naturally

If you are you wondering why I decided to write about stones, I have two reasons. One, urinary, kidney and bladder stones are one of the most common problems found in dogs.   

Natural kidney support for dogs

If you have been living with a pet  suffering from kidney disease or hope to prevent kidney problems in the future, this article is definitely for you because kidney problems are one of the most common conditions diagnosed in cats and dogs.

A candid conversation with two amazing dog parents

Do you believe in some sort of mysterious force that sometimes puts you in the right place at the right time? In early spring, I connected with two very like-minded people, Victoria and JC, who live with three beautiful huskies, Tidus, Yuna, and Kimahri, otherwise known as the Husky Squad. We...

Why puppy freedom leads to healthy development

One of the most common questions lately has been how I train Pax, and how is it that he is such an unusually well-behaved pup. First, I don’t want you to fall for the illusion that he doesn’t get in trouble. He loves to chew on shoes and is drawn...

Diarrhea in dogs & raw food diets | Interview with Dr. Judy Morgan

Our digestive system is part of a much larger picture than just processing food and nutrients. In fact, 80% of the immune system function resides in the gut. This means that your dog’s digestion and the food you feed is directly related to his or her disease and cancer resilience,...

Pax's first day

Experience Pax's exciting first day with us as he joins our pack on a spontaneous road trip. Watch the heartwarming video of his outings and see how well he adjusts. Stay tuned for more videos on puppy care and training. Pax has brought immense joy to our lives.

Meet rescue road trips

A few months ago, I mentioned an interview I did with Greg Mahle of Rescue Road Trips. Greg has spent the past thirteen years driving 4,200 miles round trip every couple of weeks rescuing over 50,000 dogs from kill shelters in the Southern United States. 

The dogs of Europe having fun! Beautiful dog souls To meet

This morning, I was wide awake at 5 A.M. which was the right time for venturing out in the sleepy streets of Prague. The light was perfect, and I really enjoyed the mystery of not knowing what was to come. Observing the canvas of life through the camera lens is...

The new puppy is here!

I am so happy to let you know that last weekend, my partner, my niece and I met our new puppy! He was born on May 27th, (I am born on Jan 27th ;-) and we found him through the joint efforts of, you, our community, right here in a...

Top 7 holistic healing articles and videos of 2019

The best tips from far! It is hard to believe that we are already half way through June! Life seems to be going by faster and faster; sometimes there is so much going and I worry that you miss important pieces of knowledge that can keep your dog healthier.

Where do rhinos go for a honeymoon

Safari Park Dvur Kralove is the most successful rhino conservation centre raising 46 black rhinos, the highest number outside Africa. This year five rhinos, three females and two males, are preparing for transport on June 23, 2019 to depart for their African "honeymoon" to help restore dwindling rhino populations. 

Why salt is more valuable than gold or diamonds

I have been thinking of how important travel of any kind is to growing and learning. I often recall Paolo Coelho’s book,The Alchemist, where the main character travels around the world to learn life lessons while looking for a treasure. Eventually, he returns home, only to find what he was...

10 essential questions you should ask

The reality is that unless you make food yourself or it is made of whole pet food by a company you trust, your dog’s food will continue to be “mystery food”.  Sadly, not every company can be trusted and it requires experience and skill to recognize the good ones from the...