How to tell the difference
No one would try to eat plastic fruit, yet, many people still buy synthetic vitamins for dogs. Watch this video to learn why I love fermented vitamins and why they are the answer to deficiencies that make our dogs sick.
Video Content:
0:25 What most (synthetic) vitamins are made from
0:58 Are synthetic and whole food-based vitamins the same?
1:28 Why don’t we just get vitamins from food?
1:47 Synthetic vitamins are easy to overdose
2:20 It is not feasible to make vitamins from real food extracts
4:40 What type of vitamins are best?
5:17 Why are fermented vitamins are better?
Important Links:
- How many supplements are too many?
- Synthetic supplements can cause serious problems for dogs
- 9 things you should know about vitamins for dogs
- SoulFood - Certified Organic Multi-vitamin for Dogs
- Subscribe - join our community

© Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM