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Is Stinging Nettle Good for Dogs?

Discover how stinging nettle can be a game-changer for your dog's health. Rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, vitamins, and minerals, this superfood offers holistic support for your dog's mobility. Embrace the natural approach to supporting overall health and see your dog thrive!

Why is my dog licking their groin area? Top reasons and solutions

This article covers common reasons why dogs lick their groin, such as muscle injuries, spinal issues, urinary problems, and skin allergies. Making dietary adjustments, giving supplements, and identifying the root cause is essential for providing effective relief and ensuring your dog's well-being.

Why dogs lick their paws - Natural approach to treatment

Many dogs lick their paws and many of them are misdiagnosed and treated for the wrong problem. Learn what you can do for your dogs and treat him naturally.  All you need is to open your mind to the suggestions in this blog, try them and see...

Hot spots – Diagnosis and treatment the natural way

You won't believe what could be causing your dog's hot spots! Find out how to check if there is a connection between your dog's spine and skin problems and avoid harmful drugs like antibiotics, antihistamines and steroids which usually unleash the nasty dragon of side-effects.

Why thousands of dog lovers may be harming their dogs without knowing

In my opinion, the current state of medicine is not as much of the fault of individual veterinarians and doctors, but a systemic issue that starts with one sided education and ends with lobbyists working hard to protect the interest of pharmaceutical companies. The three “moments” I share here are...

5 most common causes of allergies in dogs and people

What are true allergies in dogs and how can they be treated naturally? Here are 5 common causes of allergies in dogs (and people), as well as, a 5-step plan to help your dog overcome allergies, naturally.

Unravelling the myth of allergies in dogs

Allergies in dogs are one of the most common and also most commonly misdiagnosed conditions. In this article, you will learn what the true causes of allergies are, how to addressthem and get access to all you need to know to resolve your dog’s problems. 

The most common diarrhea drug is harmful to your dog's gut

A recent study shows that the drug most commonly prescribed to dogs with diarrhea actually causes digestive issues and weakens immune health. Learn what to do when your vet prescribes Metronidazole and a safer natural approach that I have been using with my clients for the past 23 years.

Why are skin allergies in dogs often misdiagnosed?

Many dog lovers are surprised to find out the true reason their dog suffers from skin lesions and rashes.  Find out why skin allergies are often misdiagnosed and four ways you can help your dog.

Why I don't like the word 'stupid'

I prefer to think that in most cases people are unaware, rather than stupid. When it comes to dog health, you may be unaware of many easy and natural steps you can take to help your dog live a happier longer life. Read on to learn more about many commonly unknown...

Diarrhea in dogs & raw food diets | Interview with Dr. Judy Morgan

Our digestive system is part of a much larger picture than just processing food and nutrients. In fact, 80% of the immune system function resides in the gut. This means that your dog’s digestion and the food you feed is directly related to his or her disease and cancer resilience,...

Why dogs with allergies and skin problems are less likely to get cancer

  Why do mellow and placid have higher tendency to cancer and why the feisty and more dramatic ones are much more likely to be allergic and over-reactive? This article will give you a very different view at cancer, chronic disease and how to reduce the chances of causing serious problems with...

Is it ok to give dogs milk?

Milk or no milk? What could be causing your dog’s allergies? And what is the best diet for dogs with food allergies? You might be surprised!

Natural treatment of acute allergic reactions and bee stings in dogs

There could be a surprising reason for swelling in your dog. Allergic reactions and bee stings can be the cause. Find out natural ways you can treat and prevent these reactions.

What is "The stubborn donkey syndrome"?

There are ways you can help dogs and their people. This article can help you deliver life-saving advice and keep your friends!

Why I strongly disagree with a veterinary specialist

A recent email response to an article I wrote on paw licking from a veterinary specialist in dermatology made me realize I need to keep sharing what I have learned about neck and collar injuries and paw licking.

7 myths about dog care (written by a dog)

Learn about the 7 most important myths in dog care.    

Allergy treatment in dogs - Natural and holistic approach

No more guessing, no more frustration. Learn what is really going on with your allergic dog. Most dogs are misdiagnosed and you need to know why in order to help.